43| Rome

366 27 4

july 3rd - 10.00 am


We arrived yesterday in Rome and took the day to rest becouse of the time zone. We have our hotel in the center of Rome, in "Piazza di Spagna" . Definitely can't pronounce that right. We get ready: we're going to visit the Colosseum. We go at the reception to ask for informations.

"Goodmorning. We wanted to ask informations. We want to go visit the Colosseum. Do you know how we can get there easily?" Cate asks to the guy who's dressed impeccably.

"Of course m'am. The easiest way would be to get a driver, he'll do everything for you. But my advice is the subway, just becouse you'll find the monument as you exit the subway and if you've never seen it, I think it's the best way to experience the surprise"

"We'll go with the subway then"

"Perfect. So the subway it's right behind the corner here on the right.  You want to take the Lina A which is orange and stop at the Roma Termini railway station. There you'll need to change the line to the blue one, Line B, and stop at Colosseum. Once you get out from the subway you'll have the Colosseum right in front of us. I know it seems long, but it takes ten minutes. Here I wrote the lines down so you'll remember easily" he says handing us a note

"Thank you so much" Cate says snd we smile at him

"No problem. Have a good day"

We go out of the hotel and walk to the subway, stopping here and there to look into the shop windows. Our hotel is in one of the most popular streets, and here there are the most luxurious shops. We follow the directions the boy gave us to get to the Colosseum.We're on the stairs and we can already see a piece of the monument

We're on the stairs and we can already see a piece of the monument

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and as we exit the subway we fully see it right in front of us.

"What the fuck..." I say  looking up at the massive monument "this is amazing"

"The guy was right" Cate says looking at it as well.
"How did they build this thing with no machines" she adds
We start to walk towards it, helding each other's hands.

"There's the possibility to visit it inside, do we wanna go?" Cate asks me

"Oh my god yes"

We spend the day visiting Rome. We went into the Colosseum, the Roman forum, the Trevi fountain and the Pantheon. We also went to Saint Peter square and into the Peter's Basilica. I literally walked with my eyes filled with wonder: so much history and these monuments, these streets, they're amazing. The colors that fit that vintage vibe you always hear about.

"I love your eyes in wonder" Cate says and kisses me on the cheeck.

"I love it here" I say smiling

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