1| the moment I layed eyes on you

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september 6th - 4.00 pm


Sandy and I were grabbing a quick coffee at our usual place, VESELKA, they have the best coffee ever. We are having a great time, well we always do, she is my best friend after all. I'm not at the top of my mood though: we only have half an hour together cause she has to go to Ryan's house, his boyfriend. God I hate that guy. He didn't do anything wrong really, but I have this feeling in my gut that I can't ignore. Sandy knew that I couldn't stand the guy, but he really seemed to  make her happy, so I do my best to tolerate him when we're in the same room. I met Sandy in my 20's, we both had just started our acting careers. I still remember the first moment I layed eyes on her: she was, and still is, the most beautiful person I've ever seen. We immediately became friends, but everytime I was with her I felt things I couldn't explain. At first I thought that was what friendship, real friendship felt like. But when she came to me and said <hey Cate, this is Ryan, we're dating> I could feel my blood boiling, for no apparent reason. That  was when I understood that those fellings weren't about real friendship; taht was love. I was in love with Sandra. It's been 6 years since that moment and those feelings never went away, so never did Ryan: that dickhead really loves Sandra. Well who wouldn't, she's literally perfect. And those brown eyes... 

"Cate are you listening to me?" Sandra said bringing me back to reality

 " Mmh... sorry what were you saying?"

"You're so cute when you zoom out" she giggles,  my god her smile.

 "I gotta go, talk to you later Cate" Sandy says while she walks towards the exit

 "Drown Ryan for me, bye!"  I say and I see her rolling her eyes while smiling.

 She is the cutest thing, I wasn't kidding though. I decide to text Sarah, she is suppose to come here to hang out, since Sandra had to run to the love of her life... okay I gotta stop.

the moment I layed eyes on you🌹Where stories live. Discover now