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My mouth tastes like the underside of someone's boot - last nights drink still coating my tastebuds. My eyelids feel weighted shut, light glowing through them in a greyish colour, assurance that it is now morning. My brain is awake now, acknowledging the unfamiliar weight behind me, a primal surge of adrenaline telling me to move but my heavy limbs disobey.

I pry my stinging eyes open to see a loose veiny arm draped over my middle. All the toned muscles in the arm telling me it's a mans arm, memories from last night flood through me and I rush to get up. Fighting all aches in my body, I'm up spinning around.

"Hey hey! It's okay!" Bucky scrambles to his feet, progressing towards me cautiously.

"Im sorry, I thought it was-"

"I know, I'm sorry" he rubs the back of his neck, "we must have fell asleep, sorry."

"It's okay.." I rub my hands down my face, "thank you." He gives me a curt nod.

Just as he was about to talk again, the sound of a sharp whistle blowing outside startles us. We look at each other with a confused look then open the door.

Mr Davies is standing in the middle of the site blowing a whistle trying to round everyone up, the police standing with him. Oh no.

"Everyone outside now!" Cabin doors begin to open and anxious students pile out. The ground is still wet from the bad weather. We walk out and stand within the semicircle of students, all looking at Mr Davies.

"Can someone tell me why I woke up this morning to the police?," he looks around the group furiously, "who's idea was it to have a secret party, off site! In the middle of the night? We are in the middle of a forest, anything can happen to any of you." Everyone stays quiet whilst sir rambles on, "as no one will own up, you will all be punished. We will all sit in the screen room all day, no one is allowed off site!" A chorus of groans and protests try to argue but are quickly shut up by the whistle again, "go get changed and meet here again!"

With that said, we all return to our semi warm rooms to change. I try my hardest to not think about last night as Bucky follows me to the cabin, shutting the door behind him. I repeat last nights steps and face away so Bucky can change. After he is done, he does the same, occupying himself with his phone. I finish changing and he stands up, giving me his phone. I look at the lit up screen to se his phone book is open.

"Is this how you get all girls numbers?" I joke.

"Nah, it's normally my good looks that win them over," he smirks, I snort and look at him again, "just put your number in there so like.. if you need anything-"

"Are you.. looking out for me, Barnes?" I taunt making him roll his eyes playfully, "I always knew you cared." I smirk and put my number into his phone and handing it back.

"Come on, before Mr Davies shits his pants." We both walk out, the rain starting again, reflecting the glum mood of our punishment.

We walk together into the screen cabin, that I hadn't even realised existed, the rain now beating down. When we reach inside the dingy looking room, i search the many rows of seats for someone to sit with. I see that Simon, Zack, and Lucy have all fit into a row with no more spare seats, then I see Elle... cuddled up with Lula. I knew she could do it.

"You can sit with us.. if you like?" Bucky whispers in front of me. I just nod slowly and follow him to the back where Steve and Sam are teasing each other. They stop when they see us reaching the row and give me pitiful looks. They send curt nods towards Bucky then stand to their feet to let me scoot in the isle. I sit on the chair closest to the wall, Bucky sits next to me with Steve and Sam to the right of him. No one else joins our row, probably because no one wants to be near the 'popular boys'. I didn't before but right now, they make me feel safe.

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