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"Promise me that you will leave straight away if he starts going crazy." I hold out my pinky to Bucky sitting in the drivers seat.

We got home from the field trip nearly three weeks ago and ever since then; Bucky hasn't stopped pestering me about meeting my dad. Every moment in school when we are sitting at the lunch table with Steve, Rita and Sam — he will keep begging me. Or after sneaking out the house in the middle of the night to meet him he would walk me home and constantly insist that 'he deserves to meet the man that created me.' At every waking moment Bucky has pleaded and I have finally gave in which brings us here. Sitting idle in his car outside my house at 1PM.

"I promise," he entangles my pinky with his own, "and he's not going to go crazy. I'm a charmer. He will love me."

I close my eyes trying to shake away any bad outcome that could happen, "okay Mr Charmer let's go." I let out a shaky breath and unbuckle my seat belt. Bucky has already jumped out the car, all too excited for my liking, and makes his way to my door opening it for me.

I step out and stare anxiously at my own home. Bucky hooks his hand with mine and tugs me towards the path, walking us up to the front door. I reach in my pocket and fish out my keys before letting us in.

I step in cautiously, taking the keys out the door and scanning my eyes through the house, "dad? I'm home! I'm just going to grab my stuff then I'll be off!," I walk further into the tidy home. Bucky walks close behind, eyeing all the memorabilia photo frames dressing the walls.

Just as I am about to call out again, my dad rounds the corner with a big smile which quickly drops when his eyes land on Bucky standing behind me with a small grin. The silence is piercing so I clear my throat making his eyes flash to mine, "dad, this is James.. m- my boyfriend." The last bit came out barely a whisper as I look to the ground. He doesn't speak so Bucky pushes past me and holds out his hand politely.

"Mr Wright, it's nice to finally meet you." My dad hesitantly takes his hand in a short lived handshake. I watch his face stay neutral but his eyes wonder up and down Bucky. My insides are screaming at the tension suffocating the walls of my home. Another 30 seconds pass and my eyes snap up to the sound of my father.

"So you must be the young man that my daughter keeps sneaking out to see." His tone is unreadable. My heart drops at the secret I thought he didn't know about. Bucky rubs his neck sheepishly, sparing me a glance over his shoulder.

"I apologise for that, sir." I want to laugh at how proper Bucky is being but it isn't exactly the right time for jokes. I have only ever seen my dad like this once. The time I introduced him to my ex. The thought sends a nervous tick down my spine.

"Well.. sneaking out into the night isn't exactly the best thing but I'm glad she is finally back to being a teenager." I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. He's not mad?

"I have been eager to meet you but Mary had been putting it off." Bucky rolls his eyes earning a watchful glance from my dad.

"Putting it off? Did you not want me to meet your boyfriend?" His attention turns to me as Bucky silently apologises for baiting me out.

"It's just.. after last time. You scared him away." I keep my voice low not wanting my dad to get the wrong intentions.

"That guy was an asshole, he had to go." An almost missable smirk lays his face making me relax a little. He turns his attention back to where Bucky is standing, "that old thing of hers- total douche. Only talked about himself, was out meeting groups of people every night. My Mary came home most nights in tears because of him. So when I finally met him, I put some stern talk into his head and thankfully he was later gone." I see Bucky's jaw twitch at the revealed information but he thankfully just nods to my dads fairly reasonable explanation. "You're not like that are you James? Well for starters, you shook my hand he didn't do that." He refers to my ex.

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