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Three sharp knocks on the wood of our cabin door slowly pulls me from my sleep.

"Mary?" Rita's voice booms through making me struggle out of Bucky's warm grip. He shuffles in his sleep then rubs his hand over his sleepy eyes, "I'm coming in!"

"Rita no-" my groggy voice calls out but it's too late. She barges in, stopping mid stride when she catches site of a very naked me and an equally naked Bucky. Thankfully we are covered by the blankets. I groan loudly and push my face back down into the pillow.

"Rita." I hear Bucky's hoarse voice rumble.

"Bucky." She calls from where she is stood, "are you treating my girl right?" She warns.

"Of course." I roll my head over to see him smirking down at me. "Are you treating my boy good?" He refers to Steve.

"Most definitely."

"Rita, is there a reason for why you have woken me up at-" I reach over and grab my phone, readjusting my eyes to the light, "9:00AM?"

"Yes. We go home today and I want to do something before we leave." She smiles. "Wear something you can sunbathe in." She orders then turns on her heel, leaving the cabin and shutting the door behind her.

I turn my head to see Bucky yawning and stretching. Nestling back under the covers I place my hands over his chest. He brings his hand to stroke down my back comfortably stopping just above my bum. I look up to meet his sleepy eyes, plastering a grin on my face reminiscing last nights events.

"Not a morning person, huh?" He speaks into my head.

"It's took you this long to realise?" I stare up into his eyes with a playful smirk on my lips. He begins to get up and I let out a whine but it doesn't stop him. He climbs over me as I blush at the pure realisation that we are both still naked. Bucky reaches the edge of the bed and scoops up his boxers from the night before and quickly puts them on to cover himself before throwing me a jumper. I slowly sit up then slip the jumper on. It's big enough to cover just below my ass so I guess it would do for now.

Bucky stood to his feet and stretched again making the muscles in his back flex strongly. I watch in pure bliss of the moment before the clearing of his throat pulls me from my daze to meet his smirking features. I roll my eyes then swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stand in front of him, his height reaching a few inches taller. Bucky places a chaste kiss to my forehead before getting changed into some black shorts and a grey tee that hugs him perfectly. I change into some basic denim shorts and a white crop top.

After another 5 minutes of playful teasing and me annoying him by hiding his phone, I get a message from Rita telling us that we need to leave. Me and Bucky leave the cabin and catch up to Rita, Steve and Sam who were slowly walking away. I walk beside Rita as Bucky joins his best friends behind.

"So?" Rita gains my attention, nudging my arm as we walk.

"What?" I raise a eyebrow at her.

"Tell me what happened!," she gushes, peeking behind us quickly, "well I know you had sex but like, how was it? Good? Bad?"

"Can you be quiet?" I hush as the boys are close behind and might be able to hear. I'm sure Bucky has already told them but it's not a conversation I am wanting to have. "Yes, we had sex. It was really good. The best actually." I laugh.

"Yayyy!" She squeals, pinching my side a little, "I thought you were going celibate." She feigns a sigh making me shove her.

"What about you? I'm sure you and Steve have got down and dirty."

"We haven't had the chance! He rooms with Sam and I room with Lucy. We have have drawn the shorter straw unlike you and Barnes who luckily share a room. You wasted all that time." Rita rambles on. It makes me wonder if we hadn't roomed together, would we even be dating? Dating? Are we dating? Anyways, what if we were only forced to be partners and nothing more. I guess I was lucky this time.

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