Chapter three: meeting the sons and settling in

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December 16 1995
Nolikski Manor

"Boys we're back!" Aleksandr yelled

Two boys and their dog come rushing into the foyer of the manor, I'm shocked by how similar they look, but focus on the dog first

"Who is this handsome boy?" I asked while squatting down to pet him

"Czar, he's a Irish Wolfhound. We just got him" said the one

He then took my hand and kissed it before he said "Alexei, call me Alex if you wish."

Then the other looked at me, I felt warn inside. He was tall and handsome, well they all were but he was perfectness.


"Pleasure to meet you, thank you for letting me stay while I'm here for my work." I addressed

"It's no problem really, our parents wouldn't have let you go anywhere else, your uncle has done a great deal them. You will meet them sometime soon, currently they're in Germany but they'll be back for the New Years Ball." Explained Aleksandr

"Oh well thank you, it is very kind, I have my performances from 6:00 a.m - 3:30 p.m on the 23rd and 24th."

"Good to know, here Nikki take her to her room." He said while handing Nikolai my trunks

"Alright doll, follow me." He said, I have to owl Simone and tell her I'll be staying with the three boys alone for two weeks. And I'll owl Mum to tell her!!

After following him up the grand stairs and down many hallways he reached a door and we stopped there

"This is your room, mine is down the hallway on the left side, Aleksandr's is on to your right and down the hall, don't be shy to knock." Nikolai opened the door for me and brought in my bags,

"It's beautiful" I tell him

"Beautiful room for a beautiful lady" he said to me with a smirk

I turn to him with a smile, and I take in his appearance. He was tall, 6'4 about, and he had curly dark brown hair like his brothers and a strong build.

"Oui, you are too kind." I started off "when and where should I go for dinner?" I finished

He smiled "we eat in the dining room, I'll grab you when it's time."

I nodded a response, then I walked over to the vanity to start writing, first was to my Mum,

I safely arrived in Russia this morning. The Nolikski boys are very kind, they have been gentlemen since my arrival, their parents are on business so it's just the four of us.
Tell everyone I love and miss them.
Then one for Simone and Lina

"Loves!! Their parents aren't home until the 31st!! It's just the four of us in this huge manor. Stay safe."

I gave my owl the letters and a few treats then I went to lie down, before dinner

                                • • •

{Belle Blacks POV}
Potter Manor

Everyone gathered at the Potters for dinner, we had just sat down when Adelai's owl flew in through the window and dropped a letter in front of me

Everyone was excited to hear what it would say

I read it out loud. Sirius looked at Regulus with a glare. Remus and James were watching amused and I noticed Harry frown.

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