Chapter six: late night Christmas dinners

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December 24, 1995| 10:00pm
Nolikski Manor
{Adelai's POV}

I had just got done my big performance as Clara in the Russian Nutcracker. I into the Manor and the boys were sitting on the stairs dressed extremely nice for it being just the 4 of us but I don't mind because I had picked a very fancy diamond infested dress just for this night.

"There you are. We've been waiting now go and change quickly." Aleksandr rushed

"Boys, I'm exhausted. I just danced for hours." I sighed

"Well we have traditions that we are not excluding you from. Go change. Run." Alexei pleaded

I ran up stairs performing a spell on my hair to keep it in a beaded braid updo. I changed immediately into my dress and heals. I ran back to the stairs and walked down them cautiously, not trying to fall. And the boys just looked up. Mouths opened.

I reached the bottom and quirked my eyebrows up "okay what now?"

"How'd? That was like what two minutes?" Alexei stared

"Merlin it's not rocket science, all I did was put a dress on and say a few spells." I explained it

"You look gorgeous now let's go eat!" Aleksandr said then him and Alexei walked to the dining room.

"You look lovely doll, really you're beautiful." Nikolai smiled then pecked my lips.

We walked into the dining room and the table was full of everything you could think of. I wasn't even that hungry but I ate lamb chops and potatoes, then a fruit salad for dessert. I craved fruit since the moment I stepped foot in Russia. I don't think I could survive living here, I don't know how these boys do it.

"Okay next to the family room for one present then drinking!" Alexei cheered

When we walked into the family room there was a big white and silver themed Christmas tree next to the fireplace and couches.

"Okay a vodka for everyone!" Alexei poured glasses to the brim.

"How long has this been a tradition?" I asked

"Since I was 11." Aleksandr smiled

"Merlin boys, do you even have livers?" I laughed

"We're Russian what do you think?! Of course not! We were born without them." Alexei laughed

"Okay now everyone choose a gift you want to open tonight." Aleksandr explained

The boys had chosen gifts, I chose a big blue box that looked like it was from Ace, everyone sent my gifts this morning before I left for rehearsal.

"Love why don't you open this one instead." Nikolai grinned

"Why? Who's it from?" I asked

"It's from me. And I hope you like it." He replied, I saw Alexei and Aleksandr look at each other.

"Okay." I smiled

"Me! I want to go first, my gift is from Reggie!" Alexei exclaimed

He opened it to reveal a dagger set, there were three and they looked custom made. Why would he need daggers?

"Reg always knows. I'll go next I guess. It's from Alexei." Aleksandr said

He opened his to reveal a nice set of aged whiskey. "200 years old. Where the fuck did you find this?" He asked

"I know people." Was all he said

"Okay I'll go, mine is from father." Nikolai chuckled

His was a gold chain with silver bear charm for Russia's national animal.

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