Chapter 28

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AN (Hello there. I am AJ and I am back with another chapter. I hope you like it. Let's begin the chapter.)

After a few minutes the team came to the training ground and saw both sensei there. Naruto saw them and started "By now you all must know that chunin exams are coming up." they nodded at that and Naruto was just smirking and he continued "So me and Itachi here decided that this year you all will..." the team was waiting in anticipation "WILL NOT ENTER IT." the team was silent then everyone screamed "WHAT!!" (Except for Sai.) Itachi just smiled knowing that Naruto was just pulling there legs. Then they started screaming how they are the best and they would annihilate everyone in the exams and they should reconsider there opinions.

Naruto couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing while some tears was leaving his eyes. The team was confused and thought that sensei was mocking them and they were about to scream at him but he said "I was just kidding I wanted to see the reactions of you all. You all are entering the exams and we know that you are powerful enough to enter the exam. If you want to enter the exams sign these papers." giving them the entrance slip. They nodded at that and signed them and give them back to Naruto. Naruto took and said" Nice you all participated because you are willing to participate. If you all haven't then you all couldn't enter the exam and we didn't want you all to force each other on entering. So you all shall go to the academy at 8am and to room 301. "

They nodded at that and Naruto and Itachi left. Naruto asked Itachi" Itachi do you think they would win. "Itachi thought a bit and said" I am sure of Menma, Naruko, Sasuke because they are willing to push beyond there limit to achieve there goals. Where else Hinata is a little to reserved and try not to hurt anyone and as for Sai he is depending on his ink jutsu only while this is ok his taijutsu is weak. "Naruto nodded at that and they entered the the Hokage office and gave Minato the slips and left.

Then they went back to there home and Naruto was happy seeing Yugao there. Yugao started" Hey babe I learned that your team is entering the chunin exams are they ready? "Naruto just smiled and said" You'll see soon enough. Now lets have some fun. "then he started kissing her and took her to the bedroom while she was giggling at how desperate her boyfriend was.

The next day came and team 7 went to the academy. They entered the building and started to climb the stairs. After climbing the stairs they saw 2 chunins blocking the door and a boy trying to enter. He had green spandex on and had a bowl haired cut and had bushy eyebrows. Then Sasuke and Hinata noticed the genjutsu put on the room. Sasuke smirked and moved forward and said "Who are you fooling with that weak genjutsu." the chunins turned there heads and saw the uchiha. They said "Oh! Someone noticed how sweet but you look weak." Sasuke got angry and rushed to attack and the chunin did the same but they were stopped by that guy who was wearing the green spandex.

Sasuke thought 'The boy stopped my kick without any effort.' Then a girl said "Lee you said we should be undercover and now you here busting are cover." the boy now identified as rock lee said "Sorry Tenten I couldn't help it." then Neji saw the Sasuke and walked towards him and asked "Sasuke Uchiha the rookie of the year the year after I left." Sasuke eyes shifted to the hyuga. He then said "It is not nice having others name before introducing yourself. " (I know it is something else but deal with it.) "Neji. Neji Hyuga I am the last year's rookie of the year and I know you too are the prodigy of uchiha but nothing compared to me as fate is on my side." Sasuke just nodded dumbly at that. He didn't understand anything about the fate Neji was talking about. The team 7 left.

As the team were walking to the exam room through a hall they were stopped by none other than Lee. Who challenged Sasuke for a fight and said "I want to prove that hard work can beat prodigy." Menma was fed up that everyone is only focusing on Sasuke so he just ran straight at Lee and tried to punch him but Lee just sweeped his leg and threw him back at the wall. Then he get in his stance and motioned Sasuke to come but Sasuke said" Sorry for this but  we don't have time to spar. We could do this in the exams anyway so people can see so let me take the dobe and go. "Lee was sad that he can't fight but accepted it nonetheless and let Sasuke take Menma out of there.

Menma was screaming that he would be the best and that all. Then the team entered the room and was met by the killer intent from the teams but the team shrugged it off. "SASUKEEEEEE!!" a loud noise was made by none other than Sasuke's fan girls Ino and Sakura. Everyone in the room wince at that and Ino and Sakura jumped on Sasuke. He was irritated and was just about to tell them to leave him alone. Kabuto was coming to them to quiet them but a puff of smoke disturbed them and Ibki came out of it and said "All right brats sit down on your seats and we will distribute the test. There are some rules you all have to follow."

All of them sat down on the seat they were given. Then Ibki started explaining the rules "There are 10 questions but the tenth question will be given at the end and each question have 1 mark. If you are get caught cheating 5 times you and your team would be out. You all will have 1 hour and the exams starts  NOW!!" all the team quickly got to the work. Hinata started writing as she know all the answers. Sai also knew it as his brother would have given him the knowledge earlier. Sasuke would use his sharingan to copy the chunin's answer. (There were some chunin seated there who knew the answers.) Menma just didn't knew amy answers so he sat there holding his head. Naruko used mirror she bought comb her hair to copy the answers.

Some people were caught cheating and send out with there teams. After the hour was over Ibki said the time was over and everyone stopped writing. "Now everyone you would be given the 10th question but you will have the choice not to answer it." Everyone was confused and asked why would they choose not to answer it. "It is because if choose to answer the 10th question and got it wrong then you can never take chunin exams." then uproar was coming from the genins saying it was not right. Then Sakura asked "All previous examines are the exams more than one time."

Ibki said "It is your bad luck that I am your proctor for the 1st round because in here I can make any rule I want." so some of the teams left and some were ready to answer the question. Ibki saw that no one else was leaving so he said "You all PASS!!" everyone was confused and started asking questions Ibki was going to answer that but a window was broken and came a banner came through it and on the banner it was written 'Sexy and Single Anko Mitrashi Proctor of the second exam.' and a woman. She had purple hair and was wearing coat and fishnet shirt beneath it. Every male population was dazed by Anko's arrival. Ibki said "You are early."

She just shrugged and saw the number of teams left and said "My my Ibki you let so many teams pass you are getting old." Ibki got a tick mark on his head but didn't comment about it. "Alright maggots meet me at training ground 44 at 8am tomorrow and who all don't come at time would be disqualified." then she left.

AN(Another chapter done. I hope you like it. Sorry it was short but I have exams. What will happen in the forest of death? Will team 7 be ok? FIND MORE ABOUT THIS IN OUR NEXT CHAPTER OF NARUTO BALL Z.)

Till next time fellas. Adios :)

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