Chapter 11: My World

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"What just happened? " I hear Michaela yell as Saanvi, Cal, her, and I run over to Griffin's lifeless body.

"I don't...I don't know. " Is all I can say.

Soon enough the press clears the people out, and we are asked to leave.

We decide to head back to my apartment. That's where everyone's cars are. On the drive back, we try to figure out why it took him three days to drown, but we come up with nothing.

When we get back to the apartment, Saanvi says she has to go. I feel a slight pang of disappointment, but her leaving is probably for the best. She definitely doesn't need to be here when Grace shows up with Olive.

"I need to go to the lab. Maybe I can access the autopsy report. There has to be something. "

I look over and see Michalea watching us like a hawk. It's probably best if I don't hug her. So instead I just squeeze her arm.

"Bye Saanvi. Let me know if you find anything. "

She stares into my eyes for a second. God, I love it when she does that.

"Goodbye Ben." She says and walks out. I close the door behind her and turn around. Both Michaela and Cal are starting at me.

"Ben, I think now would be a good time for us to finish that conversation. " She says to me.

"Fine," I reply dully, " Cal, why don't you go look at the room I have set up for you. You can go through the stuff I got you and figure out where everything is. "

"Thanks Dad! " He shouts and runs into his new room.

Part of me does not want to look back at the look on Michaela's face. I finally do and instantly regret it.

"So, you and Saanvi. "

"Well...Kind of, I guess."

" So let me get this straight, she spent the night here, but nothing happened. "
"Yeah... I already told you this. "

"Okay then, I believe you." She says with a tone that makes it clear she doesn't quite. "But, I have a few questions. Like how you are even over Grace already. " She says more seriously.

" Well, our issues started long before the plane disappeared. When Cal got sick, she got mad that I was focused on finding a cure. She always wanted more time, more focus, and more attention from me. We started to split apart, and Jamaica was supposed to fix that. But, at the airport, I could tell she was still upset. So, when I saw the opportunity to take a separate plane for some money, I did. Then, I return to find her happier with another man, and blaming me for not having her son for 5 years. Yeah, it wasn't that hard to get over her since the Grace I married no longer exists. I now realize our marriagewas doomed before getting on that plane."

"Ben, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how far back your guy's issues went. "

"Yeah, most people didn't. We did our best to keep them to ourselves ...especially around the kids."

" Yeah. It makes sense. As much teasing as I gave you about Saanvi, I hope it works out. I just can't believe you didn't tell me. "

"Well I wasn't even sure there was anything to tell you. I admired her from the moment I met her. I mean, she cured cancer, and she's a genius. I tried not to have any sort of romantic thoughts about her because I was married. But, when Grace decided to end it, I no longer had to put those feelings aside. When you didn't answer the phone, all I wanted to do was go see her. Talk to her. I don't think I admitted to myself about having any feelings for her until a few days ago when we went to lunch. "

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