First Island (Part 21)

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"Ah this island looks amazing!" You exclaimed stretching out your arms standing in a large tree with everyone on the ground, walking through the forest. Soon Kaku also jumped up and stood on the branch you were on next to you. "Wanna race to the village?" You asked with a daring smirk as Kaku chuckles. "Sure, if you can keep up with me." Kaku said accepting the challenge. "What do you mean if I can keep up with you? We landed on the ship the same time last time!" You said as he gives you a defeated face.

"I-I was going easy on you, In the trees it's different." Kaku said covering up his nervousness with the act of confidence. "Uh Huh." You answered sarcastically while jumping to another trees. Kaku realizes the race has already began and also started to jump to other trees. The closer you guys got to the village the farther you guys started to split. "Shoot I'm losing Kaku!" You said jumping really fast to other trees to try to find him.

At this point you had already made it to the village loosing everyone including Kaku. You sigh hoping most of them stuck together. "Alright I guess it's my time to explore the village alone." You said to yourself walking into the village seeing many different buildings of different types. You passed by many people happily walking around the little town.

Reminds me of home..

You began to compare it to your home town as you pass by stores that looked familiar in your eyes. "Why does it look so much like.. wait.." you began to think about the island you were on. "W-WAIT?!" You exclaim causing those around you to freak out. You quickly become embarrassed and run away into an alley way. "Takichi-island?! What was I thinking! Why wasn't I thinking! This is my home town! Arghhh!" You groan in frustration rubbing your scalp aggressively.

"Gosh.. I'm the stupidest person in the world.." you said to yourself while wacking yourself on the head. "Alright! Time to go find everyone and leave the island as fast as we can!" You exclaimed running out of the alley way to go find the others.

Soon you found everyone at the entrance of the village except Kaku. "Guys have you seen Kaku anywhere?" You ask as they all shake there head. "Nope haven't seen him since you both were in the trees." Blueno said as you sigh knowing now you had to go find him. "Alright! Well I'll go find Kaku while we all head back to the ship!" You said pointing back to the ship walking its direction.

Lucci raises a brow watching you walk back to the ships direction. "Why are we leaving so soon? We literally just got here Y/n." Lucci said visibly giving you a questioned look. "W-well! I-it's just uh this island has uh really dumb people on it!" You said nervously messing with your fingers. Lucci walks up to you and holds both of your hands.

"Y/n.. What's wrong..?" Lucci asked with sincere concern in his eyes. You stare up at him, you could tell he knew something was very wrong. "I-I'll tell you guys on the ship. Let's just head-", looking away from Lucci you saw that everyone had disappeared expect for Jabra. "WHERE THE HELL DID EVERYONE GO?!" You exclaimed in panic looking around the area.

"SHIT!" You literally started to have a panic attack. Both Jabra and Lucci began to try to calm you down while you start to shake profusely. "H-hey Y/n calm down.." Jabra said patting your head. You quickly look up at him with fear and step away from him. "N-not the right t-time Jabra!" You said as tears were threatening to hold back. You step back away from him, you then saw Lucci come in front of you blocking Jabra from your view. You look up at him as he looks down at you with a soft smile.

He embraces you gently as you hesitantly flinch at his movements. "Y/n.. Everything is okay, if anything happens I'll protect you. Okay..?" Lucci said as you hug him back tightly. You then start to burst out in tears nodding in his white tank top. "I-I'm sorry.." you said in between sniffles. He just rubs your back to which helped you calmed down. "Hey, why don't you sit with Jabra while I got find everyone else." Lucci said as you stiffen at the thought.

HIS JACKET.   (KAKUXREADER) (Yandere..?)Where stories live. Discover now