Wholesome moments (Part 3)

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Hello lovely readers~
Today is going to be a very important chapter!
I hope you enjoy it!~
Love you all~

*still in the flash back 8 years ago*

You guys where now standing at the starting line of the trail. You where both thrilled and nervous about running 9 miles. Though you, Blueno, Fukurou both discussed about having a break every two miles (You later figured out). You where still on Jabra's shoulders, he had a firm grip on you which didn't bother you much since you thought it was cool feeling tall. "Alright little brat time to get off", he said teasily with a slight chuckle. "It was your choice for putting me on your shoulder", you snap back with a smirk. "Alright then I won't carry you anymore!", he said also snapped back with a smirk. "W-wait hold on when did I say I didn't want you to carry me anymore!",you whine back tugging on his shirt a bit.

Spandine cuts your guys conversation off by presenting whats going to happen during our 9 mile run.  You let go of his shirt and stand in between Jabra and Kaku. He said that you guys would run 2 miles then take a 3 min break.

In your mind you thought that 3 minutes was a long time. When you and your siblings used to run 2 miles your would take 1 minutes breaks.

You are all lined up at the starting line ready to run. You look at Kaku with a worried face he responds with two thumbs up and a cheeky smile. You giggle and look straight at the trail you will be running on.

"READY... SET.... GOOOOO!!!!",Spandine yelled at the top of his lungs.

You all ran as fast as you could. You saw Jabra, Robbie and Kalifa pass you. The ones that where behind you or next to you where Kaku, Fukurou,kumadori and Blueno.

You felt confident because you would run at least 2 miles, even sometimes your siblings would challenge you to run 6 miles. So this should be semi hard for you.

You ran and ran until you guys hit your second mile. You all stopped at a flag that said "2 Miles" on it. Kaku stopped before you walking closer to you. "You did it Y/n!",He said with his usual soft smile. "Heh.. I did.. You did good too Kaku!",You said with a cheeky grin. He blushed a bit smiling back, "Thank you!"

Everyone was now in a big group drinking water or just resting. You saw Kumadori standing next to a tree by himself so you told Kaku you would go get to him. You never really talked to Kumadori because he never talked himself. He was always quite and never talked to anyone but Fukurou.

You walk to him and wave a hand. "Hi! Kumadori right? Nice to meet you!",you said with a cute little smile. He looked down at you with an emotionless stare. "Hello..",he mumbled a bit to where you could barely hear. "Wow.. Kumadori really talked to someone else.."Kaku said in shock.

You and Kumadori both jump not realizing his presence behind you. "Why are you so quite all the time..?",you asked curiously tilting your head. "Um..",Kumadori pauses. "You know that's okay! Let's just run together okay you look so lonely all the time! I'll keep you company!",you say excitedly.

You see a his lips form into a very small smile but disappears in a blink of an eye. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE! BACK TO RUNNING!",Spandine said.

How did he even get here..? I didn't see him run?

You all started to run once more and it all ended the same Jabra, Robbie and Kalifa where in the lead while everyone else was either with you or behind you. You saw Kaku on your right and Kumadori on your left. You smiled at both of them and continue to run trusting that Fukurou and Blueno both catch up to you both.
*skip to the last mile because I'm lazy*

HIS JACKET.   (KAKUXREADER) (Yandere..?)Where stories live. Discover now