Dukeceit Week | Day 3 | Feed the Spiders

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Pairing : Romantic Dukeceit (Human AU)

Summary : Remus got in a fight with a garbage can and he's covered in grime and gunk. Janus, not expecting this, leaves his job of taking care of their spiders to help clean him up.


Janus set his snake down in it's cage after pressing a kiss to the top of the reptile's little head. It let out a small hiss and Janus smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. He closed the cage lid and moved over to the enclosure with Remus' chameleon. Janus slid the glass door open and smiled.

"Hello little Basileus." Janus cooed. "I've got a snack for you." He told the color changing creature, reaching over for the box of crickets. He opened the lid a crack and picked one up with his fingers, pulling it out of the box and shutting it once more. He moved back over to the enclosure and reached his hand out to the reptile. Basileus cautiously moved onto Janus' arm and looked around. Janus held up the cricket to the chameleon, the chirping sounds ringing in the room. Basileus' tongue shot out of it's mouth and grabbed the cricket from Janus' fingers. He giggled and ran his hand over to chameleons back.

He set the chameleon back into the cage, picking up his spray bottle and spraying a light mist over the leaves of the cage. Basileus ducked behind the leaves, shifting to match the leaves colors. He smiled, shutting the opening and moving back over to his snake. It's head perked up as it saw Janus approach.

"Hi Prometheus. Remus is gonna be back soon. Do you need anything to munch on while we wait?" Janus asked the snake, leaning down in front of the cage. It blinked it's eyes, staring intently at Janus.

"I'll take that as a yes." He told it, straightening himself and heading towards his and Remus' bedroom, grabbing a small cage full of mice. He gazed at them for a moment before moving back to the room with the reptiles. He opened the lid to Prometheus' cage and carefully lifted a mouse from the other container, dropping it into the reptile's home.

"Enjoy, my darling." Janus said, closing up Prometheus' cage and returning the mice to their original place.

Just as Janus walked back into the living room he heard the front door open. He looked up and saw Remus standing in the doorway, covered in grime and swarmed by flies.

"Welcome home dear." Janus said wearily, his nose scrunching up. The smell that filled the house was putrid.

"Hey Jan." Remus responded, waving away some of the flies that passed by his head.

"What happened to you?" Janus asked, picking up a thrown away blanket on the couch and folding it up. Remus scratched the back of his head and looked down at the ground.

"Got in a fight with a trashcan." Remus told him, moving to sit down on the couch. Janus dropped the blanket on the back of the couch and quickly pushed him away.

"Don't even think you get to sit on my couch covered in junk. Go take a shower. Or even a bath. Please." Janus groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. Remus frowned.

"But funk is my whole thing! This just adds to the whole aesthetic." Remus bragged, smirking. Janus rolled his eyes.

"Well that funk is making my nose upset. You're so dirty you look like our pet snake. Covered in spots from head to toe. Please just go get clean." Janus begged him, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Will you at least help me?" Remus asked, his eyes pleading. While hesitant at first, if it meant he'd get clean he was up to it.

"I was going to feed the spiders but I guess cleaning you up is a whole lot more important, especially since you can't really do anything around here without tracking your mess somewhere else." Janus explained. He swatted away a fly that buzzed past his ear and lead Remus upstairs.

"Lets get you clean you idiot."


Janus dumped a cup of water over Remus' head, rinsing out the suds in his hair. The bathroom still reeked because of Remus' clothes but at least Janus knew his boyfriend smelled and looked a whole lot better now. Remus let out a happy sigh, dunking himself down in the water of the bathtub, water sloshing up and over the sides, splashing Janus.

"Hey! You rat turd, you got me wet!" Janus complained, looking down at Remus who was mostly submerged under the water, his head poking up just a little bit.

"Sorry baby." Remus apologized, a smirk spread across his face. "You were gonna get wet anyways." Remus said, pushing water up out of the tub, hitting Janus in the face.

"Thanks." Janus said quickly standing up and moving away from the bath.

"Hey where are you going?" Remus whined, leaning out over the edge of the tub.

"I'm going to spend time with some creatures who don't splash me. Like our snake maybe? And you're feeding the spiders. If they attack you I'm not helping. You're on your own." Janus told him, moving downstairs.

Remus pouted, sinking back into the water of the tub.


Janus held Prometheus in his arms, lightly rubbing it's chin with his finger. He looked up at the stairs to see Remus walking downstairs wearing a snake print t-shirt and black pants.

"Go feed the spiders." Janus told him, running a hand down Prometheus' backside.

"I will, I will. But just so you know, you've gotta feed em next time. They hate me and you know it!" Remus cried.

"That's what you get for splashing me. And you're the one who wanted the spiders anyways. Now stop complaining and go do your job. I already took care of all the reptiles while you were away getting in fights with a garbage can." Janus said with a sigh, snatching a fly as it buzzed past his ear.

"Apparently you also brought home new pets. It'll take forever to get this flies out of the house." Janus said with a sigh. Remus frowned and stepped closer to Janus.

"I'm sorry." Remus apologized, kissing the side of Janus' head. "I'll clean them out for you if it'll make you happy." He said, a grin on his face. Janus felt a heat rise on his cheeks and he turned his head away.

"I hate you so much." Janus groaned, blushing more.

"I love you too Snakey~" Remus responded with a roll of his eyes, kissing his head once more. He watched as Prometheus slithered up onto his shoulders and he smiled.

"Now I'll finally go feed the spiders. Don't strain yourself too hard just laying there." Remus said with a giggle as he walked away. Janus couldn't help but smile.

"I love that idiot." Janus laughed, burying his face in one of the pillows from the couch.

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