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Alex's POV:

"Guy's hurry up! We have to be out there in five minutes or the fans will start breaking shit!" CC yell's to the guys. Ashley kisses my cheek.

"I'll see you after the show." He says. I nod.

"Good luck." I watch the guys run out onto the stage and smile, knowing how happy they are making their fans.

"Come on." Jade tugs at my arm and I follow her out of the guys dressing room and into the hallway's of the large building where the concert is being held.

"We are so lucky." She says. I smile and nod.

"Yeah we are."

"Just think about how many fangirls are out there wishing they were us." She gives me a goofy smile and I sigh.

"You are one of those fangirls Jade." She laughs.

"True. But hey, my wish actually came true." She smiles at me and I smile back. After we're done walking around aimlessly waiting for the first half of the concert to be over, we head back to the dressing room.

"Hey girls, the guy's want you to come on-stage for a bit." A stagehand says. Me and Jade look at each other.

"Alright." I say, following the guy. Jade does the same. We walk out on stage, and the crowd cheers. Ashley runs up to me and wraps his arm around my waist, the microphone in his other hand.

"So guy's this is Alex. My girlfriend." I blush and wave.

"And this is my girlfriend Jade." CC announces. I hear the usual cheers and such.

"This next song is for them." Ashley announces, and they start playing Done for You. Andy starts singing.

After they finish with the concert Ashley runs back off stage and picks me up in his arms.

"You were so great." I say. He smiles.

"Thanks." He says. He hugs me tight.

"I'm really glad you came." He says. I smile.

"Me too." By the time I finally get home, I'm tired as shit.

"I would stay the night here with you again but unfortunately I think Jade is sick of seeing my face everymorning." Ashley says, and I smile.

"I'll call you tomorrow?" I say, and he nods.

"Goodnight." He kisses me goodbye, and then leaves. Closing the door behind him, I turn to Jade.

"Ima hit the hay. I'm so tired I feel like I could just fall asleep right here on the floor." I say. She nods.

"Sound's good. I'll see you in the morning." She walks off to her room and I walk off to mine. I change into pajamas and climb into my bed. Closing my eyes, I drift off to sleep.

~Huge time skip to 2 months later cause I'm the author and this is my story~

"Alexxxxxxxxxxxxx." Ashley whines. I smile as he pokes my cheek.

"Yes?" He continues to poke my cheek.

"I'm bored." I let out a long exasperated sigh.

"Then go annoy CC." I say. Me and Jade have moved in with the guy's into this new house that the guy's bought. We decided it would be better if we all lived together. I haven't finished unpacking yet.

"But him and Jade are already out somewhere getting lunch. We should go get lunch. I'm hungry." He insists. I smile.

"Fine." Giving up, I close my laptop lid. Setting it down on the table in front of me I get up and grab my jacket from the hook by the door and slip on my boots. Ashley smiles at me.


"You look cute with your hair like that." I glare at him.

"Flattery will get you no where, sir." I say. He laughs. I smile.

"So, where are we getting lunch?" I ask.

"There's this new pizza place down the street." He suggests.

"Sure. I like pizza." I say. He grabs my hand and leads me out of the house and down the street. Finally arriving at the pizza place, we order our pizza and then sit down to wait for it. While we wait I notice there is a girl staring at Ashley.

"Excuse me. You are Ashley Purdy, right?" The girl asks. Ashley nods.

"Last I checked." The girl smiles.

"I just wanted to say that I think you are the best out of all the guys. You really are. The cutest, too." She says. I raise my eyebrows. Ashley smiles.

"Thanks." He says.

"I'm Mia." She says.

"Nice to meet you Mia."

"Pizza for Alex and Ashley?" The guy at the counter says. I get up and grab our pizza.

"Let's go, I'm starving." I say. I wasn't actually, but I just didn't like the way this girl acted around Ashley.

"Yeah. I'll see you around Mia." Ashley says, saying goodbye to the girl.

"Wait, here. It's my number." She scribbles her number down on a napkin and gives it to him. He raises his eyebrows.

"Um. Thanks." He says. He puts it in his pocket. Waving goodbye, he follows me out the door of the pizza place. We make our way back to the house.

"Well that was interesting." He says.

"Mmm." I say. He smiles.

"I think she was into me." He insists. I laugh.

"Not a chance." I say, mocking him. But really, he was right.

"You were so jealous." He says. I punch his shoulder lightly.

"Hey guys." CC greets us as we walk back into the house. I flop onto the couch, setting the pizza onto the coffee table.

"You will never believe what happened in that new pizza place." Ashley says, sitting next to CC.

"What happened?" CC questions.

"He got hit on by a fan." I say, and CC laughs.

"I bet you just loved that huh Alex?" Jade says. She sits next to me on the couch.

"Oh yeah, totally." I say, my voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Can I have a piece of pizza?" CC asks. I nod, and he reaches for a piece. I take a slice as well, and we all sit there stuffing our faces with pizza and such. We turn on the tv and watch movies for the rest of the day, completely blowing off any responsibilities we were supposed to have today.


Authors Note:

Hello my lovely followers. Just wanted to add a quick little note here, I will be updating all my stories regularly as much as possible now. Again, terribly sorry for the five month period of not updating anything. I got really busy for a while. I have some free time now though so I will be doing much better with my updating. Hopefully. Anyways, I will try to make the chapters at least 1000 or more words, if I do not then I am terribly sorry.

See ya :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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