All the Time in the World

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A/N Hey guys. Sorry I took so long to update, my parents took my laptop. So yeah. Here's another chapter for you. I'll be updating my other storys soon as well so make sure to keep a look out. Bai :)


Alex's POV:

"Hey guys." I say, greeting the other members of BVB as they walk through the door.

"Wait, she's being nice to us. Ashley what the fuck did you do to her?" Andy says, looking at Ashley. Ashley shrugs, a smile on his face.

"Hmm. She looks the same." Jinxx says, walking up to me.

"She sounds the same." He says.

"Guys, leave my girlfriend alone." Ashley says. Everyones jaws drop.

"GIRLFRIEND?!" Andy says. I smile. Ashley comes over and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Yep." He says.

"I knew it." Jade says, coming into the apartment. I laugh. She smiles.

"Well while we're anouncing things, me and Jade are a thing." CC says. I stare at Jade.

"You never told me!" I say.

"You never asked!" She retorts. I sigh, and she smiles.

"Well great, you two have girlfriends and all I've got is a very large apetite." Jake says, walking over to the kitchen. We laugh.

"Theres chips in the cuboard." I call. He mumbles something under his breath. I lead Ashley over to the couch and sigh.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" I ask.

"I don't know. Truth or dare?" Jake suggests. We all agree and sit on the floor in the living room.

"Who goes first?" I ask.

"I'll go." Andy volenteers.

"Um...Jade, truth or dare." He says.

"Truth." Jade says. The guys boo.

"Who was your first kiss?" Andy asks. Jade stops to think.

"Alex Halbrew from eigth grade." She says.

"I remeber him. You slapped him in the cafeteria for calling you stupid." I say. She laughs.

"Oh yeah." She says.

"Moving on, Jade, ask someone." Jake says.

"CC, truth or dare?" She asks, looking at CC, who has his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

"Dare." He says, a grin creeping on his face.

"I dare you to..." She looks around for a moment.

"Eat the rest of the pickles in our pickle jar." She says.

"That's it?" Andy asks. Jade shrugs. I get up and grab the jar of pickles from the frigde.

"Eat up." I say, handing him the jar. He sighs and starts eating the pickles.

"Okay, CC it's your turn." I say.

"Jinxx, truth or dare?" CC asks, his mouth full of pickle.

"Truth." Jinxx says.

"Who was your first girlfriend?" CC asks.

"Mia Frankfurt." Jinxx answers. My phone rings.

"Hello?" I say.

"Alex, so nice to hear your voice again." I hear that oh-so-familiar voice over the phone. My body tenses. Ashley must have noticed because he gives me a concerned look.

"What do you want." I say, trying to sound annoyed, but failing.

"I just wanted to say hi." He say's.

"Leave me alone." I say, my voice shaky and quiet.

"Do I really scare you that badly darling?" He says. Even if I can't see his face, I know he's smirking.

"Alex who's on the phone?" Jade asks.

"Is that Jade I hear in the background? Tell her I said hi." He says.

"What do you want from me Jamie?" I say. I can hear my voice, but it doesn't sound like me. It sounds like a scared little girl.

"I was hoping we could meet up?" He says. I stay silent.

"No." I finally answer.

"Then I'll have to come to you." He says. I can hear the joy in his voice, and my fear grows stronger. The last time I heard that I got thrown through a wall.

"Goodbye Darling." He says, before hanging up. The line goes dead, but I don't lower the phone away from my ear. I can hear my heart beating faster and faster.

"Alex?" Ashley says, snapping me back to reality. His eyes are clouded with worry.

"Who was that?" He says. I feel my hands start to shake.

"J-Jamie." I stutter. Even his name sounds terrifying.

"Jamie?" Jade says. I nod.

"What did he say?" She says. I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. How does one person make another so scared and panicky by just the sound of their voice?

"Alex what did he say?!" Jade says, her voice rising.

"Don't yell at her!" Ashley says, wrapping his arms around me. My body's shaking now. I think I might have a panic attack. Great.

"She's shaking." Ashley says, his voice worrysome.

"What do we do?" Andy says.

"Get her to a bed." Jade instructs. Ashley picks me up and carrys me to my room, setting me on the bed. He climbs next to me.

"Calm down Alex. Please calm down." He says, holding me. I close my eyes.

"Alex listen to me okay? Focus on my voice." He says.

"I love you. I love you more than anything. I will always protect you from anything that threatens to hurt you okay? I love you." He says. I focus on his voice, and on his words. I feel myself start to calm down.

"Please calm down baby." He says. I feel my heartbeat slow down and my hands stop shaking. About half an hour later, I'm finally calm.

"I love you too." I say, cuddling into his side. He wraps his arms protectively around me.

"Hey Alex?" He says, after we've been lying there for about five minutes.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Who was that guy?" He says.

"My ex. The abusive one." I say.

"What did he say?" He asks.

"He said he...he's going to come find me." I say, my voice cracking.

"I won't let him get within five feet of you." He says.

"Neither will we." The other guys say. I look up.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I say.

"Sorry. We heard you two talking and yeah..." Jake says. I sigh.

"We will all protect you Alex, your our friend. We don't let other friends get hurt." Andy says.

"Thanks guys." I say.

"Now get out, I want to sleep. Im tired." I say, looking at the clock. 5:36. Today went by fast.

"But its-" CC starts.

"I don't care what time it is I'm tired." I say. Ashely smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Goodnight." He says.

"Goodnight." I say, closing my eyes. I hear the sound of my door closing as the rest of the guys leave. I lay there for a while, listening to Ashleys steady breathing and heartbeat, before drifting slowly into sleep.

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