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"Jade answer your damn phone." I mutter, walking out of the grocery store. I put my phone back into my pocket.
"Alex." I hear HIS voice behind me. (Aka ashley.) I turn.
"What." I say.
"I see your feeling better." He says. I roll my eyes.
"Why do you care?" I say. He shrugs.
"You seem like a nice girl. And you have a pretty smile." He says. I snort.
"Are you flirting with me?" I say. He smiles.
"Maybe I am." He says. I ignore him and walk into the deli. I order mine and jades food. When I'm about to pay, ashley hands the cashier the money.
"What are you doing." I say.
"Paying for your food." He says, handing me the bag.
"Why." I say. He shrugs. I roll my eyes and walk out.
"Ashley!" Andy says. He runs up to him.
"Sup." ashley says.
"Oh hey alex." Andy says. I flip him off.
"Still hate us I see." He says.
"Noooo really?" I say. He laughs. I roll my eyes, once again. My phone rings.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hey. You called?" Jade says.
"Yeah. I got lunch." I say.
"Cool. See ya at home." She says.
"Bye." I say. I hang up.
"I gotta go." I say, starting to walk off.
"Hey alex!" Ashley calls.
"Mhmm." I say, turning.
"You look really nice in that coat." He says. I roll my eyes and walk off.

Ashley's POV:

I watch as she walks off.
"She really does hate us huh?" Jinxx says, walking up behind me and andy. I nod.
"You like her don't you?" Andy says, smiling.
"What? N-no!" I say. He smiles.
"Then you wouldn't mind making a little bet?" Jake says.
"What's the bet?" I say.
"Make Alex fall for you by the end of the month." Andy says. I hesitate.
"I don't think so bro." I say.
"It's either that, or you admit you like her." He says. I curse.
"Fine. It's a bet." I say. He smiles. They walk off. I mentally slap myself.
"What did I just get myself into." I mutter.
-time skip-

Jades POV:

I wake up the next day to my phone ringing.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hey, I was wondering if you and Alex want to come over to our place? Maybe around noon?" Cc asks.
"Sure. I'll try to convince alex to come." I say.
"Cool. See ya." He says.
"Bye." I say. I hang up and look at the clock. 7:42 am. I sigh and roll out of bed. Changing into a t shirt and jeans, I throw my hair back into a ponytail and make breakfast.
"Alexxxx!" I yell. She walks out of her room, paintbrush in hand, her clothes covered in paint, and her hair pulled back into a messy bun.
"Yes?" She says.
"I'm going to the guys place in a couple hours and your coming with me." I say.
"No." She says, wiping her brush on her pants.
"C'mon. Please? For me?" I say. She sighs.
"You owe me." She says. I smile.
"Yay! Thank you thank you thank you your the bestfriend ever!!" I say.
"Mhmm. Now give me some of that bacon." She says, reaching for a piece. I smack her hand.
"Go shower and then you can eat." I say. She pouts and sticks her tongue out.
"Meanie." She says, walking back into her room.

Alex's pov:

I shower and change into jeans and a baggy t shirt. I brush and dry my hair and leaving it down.
"Ready?" Jade asks. I nod. I grab my favorite Jean jacket and phone and walk out to the car with Jade. She starts the car and the radio comes on. Bobs song "fallen angels" comes on.
"Www." I say, changing the station.
"Hey." She says. I smile. She smiles back.
"We're here." She says. I look at the house. Its actually pretty huge.
"Come on." Jade says. I follow her up the steps. She rings the doorbell, and ashley answers the door.
"Hey girls. Come on in." He says. I shoulder past him and into the house.
"Hello to you too." He says, following me.
"Hey. Welcome to our house." Cc says. Jade smiles.
"Thanks." She says. Cc looks at me.
"Hi Alex." He says. I flip him off. He smiles.
"Food and drinks in the living room. We're going to watch a horror movie so get comfy." Andy says. I sigh. Following Jade into the living room, I sit on the couch. Ashley sits next to me. They start the movie. Halfway through, jades curled up against cc's side, and he has his arms around her. Ashley looks over at me.
"Are you scared?" He asks.
"Horror movies don't scare me." I say. He shrugs.
"Where's the bathroom?" I ask him. He points to a hallway. I get up and walk down the hallway. Finally finding the bathroom, I close the door. Looking in the mirror, I bite my lip. Feeling the begginings of a headache, I splash water on my face. I hear a knock on the door.
"Alex? You okay?" Ashley's voice says. It sounds sort of distant. I shake my head.
"Yeah I'm fine!" I say. I look in the mirror. The pain is starting to fade. I take a deep breath.
"Alex?" I hear. Another knock.
"Can I come in?" Ashley asks. I open the door.
"It's your bathroom so I would assume that you could." I say. He smiles.
"I love your sarcasm." He says. I roll my eyes.
"So are you alright? You've been in here for a while." He says. I nod and walk back over to the sink to grab my phone from the counter. When I turn back around he's standing right in front of me. I freeze.
"You have beautiful eyes." He says. I stare at him, not saying anything. He takes a step closer. I start to back up. He walks closer. I back up more. My back hits the wall. I gulp.
"Have I ever told you...." He starts. He trails his fingertips down my arms.
"How you look amazing all the time?" He says. I shudder. He stares into my eyes. I stare into his. He starts to lean in...slowly, and then our lips touch. I freeze. My brain goes into overdrive and my heart starts pounding. I can feel the blood in my veins run cold. He slides his hands to my waist, and I find myself leaning into the kiss. Everything in my body is on alert, and yet, I don't pull away. Why can't I pull away? My eyes flutter shut and I feel his hands trailing up my back. Then I remember. I pull away and gasp, my eyes going wide.
"Alex?" He says. He gives me a worried look. I push him away from me and run out the bathroom door. Jade looks up.
"Alex whats wrong? Is it your headaches?" She asks, getting up. I run out the door. I hear her yelling behind me but I keep running. I have no clue where the hell I'm going but if it's away from ashley...

Ashley's pov:

I see Alex run out the door of the house.
"What the fuck is her problem?" Andy says. Jake laughs.
"Not funny. What the hell happened? Ashley?" Jade says, turning to me.
"I-I kissed her and she ran off. She was into it and then bam, she got this scared look in her eyes and ran out." I say. Jade shakes her head.
"Goddammit. Alex! Alex!" She yells out the door. Alex continues running.
"What's her problem?" Jinxx asks.
"Her last boyfriend abused her. She hasn't dated since. That was three years ago. She's been so afraid that someone would hurt her again, that she's stopped trusting everyone." Jade says.
"Oh." Jake says. Jade curses.
"I have to find her. If she has a panic attack or headache, there's no telling what could happen." Jade says, running out the door.
"I'll help." I say, following. We get into her car and drive off, trying to find where alex went.

Alex's pov:

I fall to my knees and clutch my head. My heart is pounding so loudly I can't hear anything else. I feel tears stream down my face and my breathing deepens. I hear voices around me. I fall onto my side and curl into the fetal position, covering my ears. I hear faint voices, I can't make out what they're saying. Then I feel hands wrapped around me and I'm being lifted. I squeeze my eyes shut, and I can still hear the voices. I open my eyes. I feel hands grab my wrists and my hands are forced from my ears. The voices are louder now. I look straight ahead. Ashley. I see ashley. He's crying. He's shaking me. Why is he shaking me? He's yelling something. The sound of my heartbeat is to loud for me to make out what he's saying. I furrow my eyebrows and then blink repeatedly. I feel a searing pain in my head. And I can't breathe. I feel someone shaking me. I hear someone yelling. And then it's dark.

Ashley's pov:

Jade and I pull up beside alex. I call her name but she just curls into the fetal position. I get out of the car, and Jade follows. Running over to alex I wrap her up and carry her to the car. Setting her in the backseat Jade keeps calling her name. Alex just looks at us. I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. I shake her and yell her name.
"Alex! Alex please!" I say. She looks at me, confused. Then I see her eyes fill wo tears and she lets out a blood curdling scream.
"ALEX!" I yell. I shake her. But it's no use. She passes out in my arms, and I sob into her hair and hold her.
"We need to get her to the hospital." Jade says, climbing I tot he front seat. She drives off, and I hold Alex in my arms. We get to the hospital and I carry her inside. She's barely breathing.
"Alex.." I say. A doctor takes her and I wait in the waiting room. I take out my phone and text the guys.
'At the hospital, Alex is in critical condition. Not sure if she's gonna make it' I send it and a few minutes later I get a reply. From cc.
'That sucks man. Ik you really like her. Hang tight, I'll be there in thirty.' I lock my phone and sit down. Cc arrives and hugs Jade. I sit in the chair in the hospital waiting room. Tears are falling from my eyes and my hands are shaking. I take deep breaths and try to calm down.
"She'll be okay. She has to be." I whisper.

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