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Story will be seen from your ((M/n)'s) point of view. Not MC's. Meaning the revelation of some parts of the story will be revealed much earlier. Proceed with caution.

"What seems to be troubling you?"

You turned to Barbatos with a slight huff. "I should be the one asking you that. You're acting a bit strange today in particular. Is anything wrong?"

"Me?" Barbatos' eyes widened ever so slightly. You poked his cheek. "Of course."

You took one of the freshly baked cupcakes from the tin and took a bite.

"You move a bit... slower than normal?" You pondered, unsure whether you were just looking into things too much. "It's like you're more cautious about me, for some reason."

He hummed before shaking his head. "Not at all. I apologize for worrying you."

"Is... is there anything wrong?" You were well aware of the butler's ability to look into the future. So if he was acting shady, you were bound to be a bit more anxious.

"...You might be in for a shock this afternoon."

"...Excuse me?"

Barbatos shook his head once more, signaling that it would be the only information he'd be willing to share.

"W-wait, you can't just tell me something that eerie and refuse to elaborate!" You argued, only to receive a pat in the head. The dual-haired male flashed his usual smile and pinched you by the cheek. "That just means you have to be patient."

The glare you shot him didn't faze him one bit. But looking at him closely, you weren't sure if you were seeing things, but was that a tint of melancholy mixed into his smile?

You spent the morning a lot more anxious than normal. Despite the reassurance of Barbatos that it wouldn't necessarily be bad news, you still felt uneasy.

Only when you arrived at Diavolo's office did you receive the news.

"You're sending me... to live with them?" You had a hand placed over your chest, shock evident in your expression. Diavolo and Lucifer shared a look, before the former nodded.

"I can't really elaborate on it any further as why, however." Diavolo frowned, sending you an apologetic look.

You stood silent, processing the information for a bit longer before chuckling. "Geez, if you wanted me to leave, you didn't have to persuade Lucifer like this." You joked.

The demon prince looked alarmed, standing up frantically and waving his hands around. "No, no! That's not it at all--!"

"Hold on, calm down. I was just kidding. And even if I wasn't, you have every right to do so." You assured. You then fixated your attention to the raven-haired male, who was sitting silently, observing you.

"And uh, are you sure you're okay with this, Lucifer?" You inquired, although you pretty much knew the answer already.

"Of course, it's under Diavolo's order, after all." The male heaved a sigh, shaking his head along in the process.

"I can't thank you enough for this, Lucifer!" Diavolo patted his friend by the back while smiling widely.

You and the Avatar of Pride deadpanned at the male. You sent him a look of pity. "And to think you also have a ton of work left to do, too."

Lucifer could only release an exhausted sigh, before composing himself and turning to you.

"Fortunately, I was informed of this in advance. Your room is already prepared as of now."

"Oh, so you guys did talk about this earlier." You hummed. "I'm still confused as to why you'd decide about such a thing, Diavolo."

Lucifer twitched as soon as you finished your sentence. You gave him a side glance before looking back at the red head.

"Again, I'm afraid I cannot tell you that as of now." The red head frowned, looking very apologetic.

"That's alright, I trust you. More importantly," You then looked at Lucifer again. "I hope you and your brothers don't mind a bit of bad luck."

"Not particularly. And if they do, they just have to suck it up and deal with it."

"How nice..." You averted your gaze, a nervous smile etched in your face. "That's settled then. when would it be appropriate for me to move in?"

"In about a week or so, or whenever is convenient for you." He informed. You nodded your head before you bowed your head. "Alright, thank you."

You walked out of the room, closing the door behind you. Barbatos stood there, eyes half lidded with a sad smile on his face.

"...Shall I help you pack?"

"Maybe the day after tomorrow."

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