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"Heading off somewhere?"

Diavolo took notice of a particular clothing stuffed neatly in your bag. The students in the classroom had dispersed a few moments ago, leaving you, Barbatos, Diavolo, Yuki, and two of the celestial realm exchange students. The latter chatting amongst themselves.

"Ah, I just thought it'd be better if I leave early to buy some stuff. I don't want to arrive at the house late." You rummaged through the inside your bag and took out a long cardigan.

Taking off your RAD vest, you put the on cardigan and grabbed your wallet, stuffing it in your pocket.

"Oh, you're off to buy something?" Yuki perked up from beside the prince.

"Mhm, I'll just go buy some baking supplies. Can you take my bag home for me?" You gestured to the said item. With a smile, the female nodded and took it from your hold.

"Alright, stay safe!"


"Oh, but wait!" Diavolo suddenly perked up. You and Yuki turned to the male.

"You're going to be baking something for everyone in the House of Lamentation, right?"

"Well..." You paused, averting your eyes away. "Yes and no...?"

"Whatever the answer would be, you should buy more than double the quantity you originally figured." Diavolo advised. As you were about to question why, you were ultimately reminded of the Avatar of Gluttony.


"Wouldn't that mean that you'd need someone to help you carry it all?" Yuki pointed out.

"True..." You placed your index finger near your chin. Diavolo perked up. "Can I...?"

"No, I'm afraid you cannot, Young Master. If I may recall, you have a pile of work to be done back at the castle, am I correct?"

"Aww." Both you and Diavolo frowned at the butler. A sigh left your lips. "That's a shame..."

"I'd love to come along too, but I have to do something about my lessons, or else Lucifer might get upset." Yuki shook her head in disappointment.

"I'm pretty sure Barbatos can't come along either." You mused.

From the corner of the room, all but one in your group hadn't notice Simeon nudge Luke. The blond flinched before whispering something discreetly to the former. The ends of Barbatos' lips twitched up a bit.

Diavolo's fist collided with his palm. "Ah! Why don't you ask Beel to come with you?"

"Beelzebub?" You repeated. "But..."

Were you going to risk carrying a ton of supplies by yourself in favor of avoidance?


Was the male trouble?

No, that was Mammon, you think.

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