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I think I accidentally manifested shit. This afternoon, I tripped and dropped a glass of water and almost knelt on broken glass. Then a cabinet almost fell on me. Then I went biking.

I kept crashing a couple of times, once on a fkin tricycle, then more on grass and the side of the roads. Then when I got home, my phone went missing bc it fell on the grass one time. We had to walk around the whole ass neighborhood more that once to find it. Wtf???

You crashed onto your bed in exhaustion. Man, did it feel nice to lay down after all that chaos...

You nuzzled your head into your pillow as you felt your eyelids getting heavier. As you were on the verge of falling asleep, the door burst open.

"HEEEEY! Look who's here... iiiit's Mammon! And ya know what that means?! You ain't gonna be gettin' ANY sleep tonight!" The demon announced his presence in a boisterous manner. In his hand was the back of Yuki's clothes.

Poor girl looked like she had been dragged here... which was probably what happened. An empty expression was plastered on her face.

Luke wasn't sure whether she was asleep or what. He stretched his arms and leaned over to the edge of the bed. "Yuki! Are you alright?"

"I don't even know anymore." She cried out in despair. "Dumbass really said, and I quote, 'If I'm botherin' them, then you're comin' with me!' Then proceeded to drag me here."

She snatched her stance from Mammon. The male didn't seem to mind as his eyes trailed over to your form. You just ignored everything and tried to go to sleep to the best of your ability.

You grunted as Mammon jumped onto your bed and proceeded to crush your body. "WAKE UP!"

"What the hell do ya want?! Leave me alone!" You wrapped yourself in a blanket, only for him to snatch it away. You shivered as the cold air made contact with your skin.

"If I said you're not gettin' any sleep, then you're not gettin' any sleep!" He threw your blanket away. He began cheering, not minding the glare you shot him. "All right all right all right! Time for a pillow fight deathmatch with the Avatar of Greed himself! Le--"

"Mammon, shut up." Beel perked up from his bed. Mammon blew a raspberry, making Luke grimace. Surprisingly, Leviathan hasn't returned after dinner. He remained missing until now.

Beel didn't seem to be up to the job of shutting his brother up. You looked as though you were ready to be thrown around like a rag doll just for the sake of sleeping. Yuki was pretty much already asleep on the edge of your bed. Luke's eyes switched back and forth exasperatedly. Just where was Levi when he was needed?!

"Oi, you guys. WAKE UP!" Mammon grabbed a pillow and whacked both you and Yuki. The two of you only groaned in response. Yuki buried her face in the mattress. "How do you even have this much energy...?"

"(M/n), look what I got!" Levi bursts into the room excitedly. His expression wavered at the sight of the room in chaos. "Wha--- Mammon, get outta here!"

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