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Blair tried to shake off her thoughts of Will, so she ran down the alley her mom and Lilith in front

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Blair tried to shake off her thoughts of Will, so she ran down the alley her mom and Lilith in front.

But then she stopped, she just couldn't, she killed a person who deserved better, she also killed Al, people were dropping like flies because of her.

She stared at the ground as more thoughts clouded her head up, both the women in front of her turning around.

She looked up at them slowly through her eyelashes, Lilith's eyes grew sad with sympathy her moms doing the same.

"I...I killed him, I killed Will. I killed...I killed Al. This. It's my fault," she dropped her eyes back to the floor in shame.

She wanted to cry oh how bad she wanted to cry, but she was already in shame, so she just mentally abused herself more and more.

Lilith wrapped her arms around Blair's neck, tucking her chin into her neck.

Her mom made eye contact with Blair, smiling lightly giving her a nod of reassurance, the nod that says 'I'm proud of you, your doing amazing.'

Lilith and Blair stayed like that for a while until Lilith broke apart looking Blair in the eyes.

"C'mon let's go get Adrain and save whatever is left of dauntless," she says smiling.

"Yeah," Blair sighs sadly.

They peaked out of the alley, looking at the empty street, they were planning to reach the alley opposite.

"Cover me," Blair's mom told the two girls, to this they both shook their heads.

"No we'll go, stay here," Blair told her.

"Okay," her mom nodded.

Blair and Lilith took off out into the alley, their guns scanning the area, no one.

That was until a low grumble and the sound of tyres against the gravelled floor made their hearts race of fear.

A truck turned the corner, as they went to run, they had been spotted so they had no choice but to stay and defend themselves.

They cocked their guns shooting down two guards that jumped off the truck.

They were swarmed, the truck was full of guards.

Lilith's gun got shot down, Blair standing in front of her.

She shot another two more down, her gun being shot out of her hands as well.

"Move! Move! Move!" Her mother shouted, pushing the two girls ahead of her as she shot down the others, she pushed the girls into the alley as she shot the last one down.

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