The Bonds of a Family

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Hi there, once again

First of all, I would like to apologize for how long it took me to update, exams can be like that.

Secondly, I would like to say that this fic will be a bit different from the first. In this one, I tried a few new things.

1- Performances, tell me what you think of what I wrote.

2- A new take on battles (I didn't obey the four move rule, in the anime, Drake's Dragonite knew ten moves, so I went with that number) to see if it was well-received, since it may allow me to write some amazing battles in the future. I also gave some Pokémon some different moves, one of them will be a little show don't tell, see if you can tell which.

3- A little exploration into Ash's past. I left a few hints for future projects. Tell me what you think of it.

Once again, reviews and critics are welcome and appreciated.

Author: Kingjoia

Disclaimer: Pokémon, a company I don't own


The sun rays of a warm morning characteristic of the Kalos region beamed down on a small camp settled on a small clearing on their way towards Lumiose City. A warm breeze accompanied them, giving off the best end-of-summer weather one could ask for. However, the trainers that set said camp, couldn't appreciate the weather, no matter how much they tried.

Bonnie, Clemont, and Serena were too worried about Ash to appreciate anything about the nature around them. The three of them had been up and ready to continue on their way for about an hour by now, while Ash hadn't even gotten out of his tent yet. Normally, Ash would be the first one up, just so he could train with his Pokémon for a while before his friends woke up. There had been only one time, where that didn't happen, and that was an unfortunate incident for all of them.

"Do you think we should check on him?" Serena asked her travelling companions while looking towards the tent that Clemont shared with the Kantonian trainer "Maybe he is sick once again?"

"I don't think so" Clemont added, approaching the performer "When I woke up he was already awake, and he didn't appear sick, just....sad"

"Sad? Why? Do you think he is alright? Do you think anything bad happened?" Serena asked full of concern as she gripped her blue ribbon with both hands

"I don't know. But I know if Ash needs our help, he will ask" Clemont said with a sympathetic smile, as he placed a hand on her shoulder "Don't worry Serena, he will be fine. I just know it"

Serena gave him a small nod letting him know she understood, even though his words did little to settle her worries. They both knew that, but Clemont decided to let her be anyways, he knew it was futile to tell Serena anything else, in the end, she would always worry about Ash.

Serena kept looking towards Ash's tent, hoping to see the raven-haired boy come out of his tent, just to tell her that he was ok. Ever since she woke up and saw that he was still in his tent she had been worried, and as the time when on, her worries only grew. Right now, she was so worried about him, that she even considered bursting into his tent, just to see if he was fine, not even caring about how inappropriate that would be. She just wanted him to be safe, nothing else.

Suddenly she realized once again that the world consisted of more than her and the tent that was the focus of her worries when a small hand started shaking her arm. Looking down, she saw Bonnie was the owner of said hand, the small lemon-haired girl looking up at her while gesturing for her to kneel. Reluctantly, she did so.

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