This is Where it Starts

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Note: coming up with names for chapters is hard lmao. This was unnecessary but idc. Also, this chapter is kind of like the last but it's from the characters POV and not the narrator.

Time: Shortly before Tim and Jae'da meet. This starts with Jae'da and Two-Bit not too far away from the store.

Jae'da POV: Me and Two-Bit are walking to the convenience store and chatting like usual. God he's fucking hot. Him and all the others in the gang: Darry, Soda, Horsepenis, (that's Ponyboy. I call him Horsepenis because it's funny), Steve, Johnny, and Dally. Honestly I wanna fuck them all but that's slutty. Actually, I don't care. I wonder what it'd be like if they all collectively f-. My thoughts were interrupted by Two-Bit. "Earth to Jae'da. Were you even listening?" Shit, I wasn't. I completely zoned out and got caught up in my own thoughts. "Honestly, no. I'm sorry da- Two." He looks at me weird but that look of confusion quickly turns to a smirk. He knows I think he's hot. He knows I think him and the whole gang is hot. He's my best friend and fuck buddy if you will, we talk a lot. I think he assumed I was daydreaming about him and sex, per usual, because he then said "You can call me that later." He says this, winking. Suddenly we both burst out into laughter. I laugh randomly so hearing that and seeing him laughing at the thing he said made me laugh. After we stopped laughing, we were at the store. We both walk in, me going first and he stops me. "Im gonna head over here, I'll be back in a second. Grab whatever you'd like, I'll pay. Meet back here when you're done, got it?" "Got it. Thanks Two-Bit." I reply. I have my own money I can use but, y'know, since he offered to pay, he can pay. That sounds kinda shitty but y'know, free stuff is free stuff. I start to round a corner when I run into someone. Fuck. I fall back and land on my ass as the person stumbles back. I look up to see the person in front of me. It's a man. He's tall and has dirty blonde hair that's slicked back. I've seen him around before but never knew his name. "Hey watch it you fucking b-" he starts. I notice this look in his eyes. It's a look of curiosity, like he's trying to figure out who I am and take in what happened. "Oh hello," he speaks. He extends his arm, motioning for me to grab on so he can help me stand up. I grab on and stand up. "I haven't seen you around before, who are you?" "Jae'da, and who are you?" "Tim, Tim Shepard." He speaks with confidence in his voice. For some reason I found that very attractive. "Ah, sorry for running into you by the way." "No problem, sorry for almost cursing you out," Tim says laughing a bit, causing me to follow. As I look at him a bit more, my mind starts to wander. This guy is fucking hot. Honestly, I'd let him rail the f-. Once again, my thoughts of sex are interrupted by someone speaking. I turn to where the voice is and see who's talking. It's Two-Bit and he looks pissed. Shit, I forgot. The gang doesn't really like Tim, especially Dally. "What the hell are you doing Shepard?"

Like I said in the small note in the beginning, sorry this is pretty much the last chapter. In the last, it was a narrator speaking but in this it's the main character, Jae'da's, POV. Although this whole story is a joke, I'm still trying to write and use literary devices to make this somewhat enjoyable lol. I felt it's good to see what the characters are thinking as well as what it looks like on the outside. Don't worry, the next chapters won't be repeating everything said in the chapters previous to it.

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