The Crystal Tower Inside the Mind Part II

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DEDICATION: First off I'd like to dedicate this book to all of my friends who pushed for a second book to come out because of how much they liked the first one, and for all those who read my first story and really made it possible for me to become encouraged to write the sequel and without you guys none of this would be possible. If you guys want more of this series just keep the views up and help spread the word to your friends and / or family who may be interested in this kind of writing and I'll post more of it in due time. Thank you all for your support and it's been amazing so far writing for you all and it's amazing to see my fanbase grow from the first view to 50 in a matter of weeks- you guys are awesome and keep it up.


My head slowly fell to the left, landing on the firm pillow, where I opened my eyes slowly, taking a deep breath through my nose. I pulled the sheets up to my chest, looked down at the arm laid across it, then over at my wife. I nuzzled my head into the space between her neck and shoulder, smelling her coconut shampoo with each small inhale.

I had just woken up from my usual nightmare and it was obvious it had effected my sleep. The sheets had gone from neatly tucked into the frame of the bed, to crinkled and wrapped around one of my legs, while the other one was laid out loosely hanging over the edge. My palms were sweaty and my hands shaking.

As I leaned up and over to fix the sheets I had made a mess of whilst I was sleeping, I heard a soft moan from my wife and I groaned to myself hoping not to wake her.

She got little sleep as is, between trying to care for me and her schooling, so when she was asleep I did all I could to keep it that way.

I stopped as she turned on her side with her back facing me. Once she had stopped moving, I continued leaning forwards and fixed the sheets, tucking it into it's respective corners and edges of the dark wood frame. I picked my wife's head up gingerly and flipped her pillow so it was on the cold side, the way she liked it, then proceeded to lay her head back down gently while pulling she sheets over her shoulder, so as she wouldn't get cold.

I then moved cautiously to get out of bed, but not disturb my sleeping significant other and laid the sheets back over where I was. Walking towards my door I looked back at my wife, smiling to myself then opened the door quietly, walked out of the room and shut the door silently.

Turning the light on in the hallway so as I could see, I rubbed my eyes sleepily trying to remove the hazy fog that moved in front of me every time I woke up. I rubbed my face then checked my watch for the time and read it as 04:37. Groaning, I started down the hallway to the stairs at the end, half stumbling half walking.

I shivered as a wave of cold air rushed past me and I instinctively rubbed my arms trying to warm myself up, then stopped realizing it wouldn't do me any good. I made it to the steps and slowly made my way down the cold wood and into the living area to the left of the stairs, where I then gathered some logs I had split earlier in the day, placed them into the fireplace and lit them using yesterday's news as kindling. I sighed heavily and fell into my red cotton lined chair with leather arm rests and a spruce wood frame.

Reaching to my right, I grabbed my copy of Leonardo DaVinci's journal and flipped through the pages to the section on dreaming. "OF NIGHT TERRORS" I read, "One may be confronted by occasional or reoccurring night terrors. These could perhaps be a reflection on what the individual fears in a literal, or symbolic way." I skimmed through until I got to a small section that read "DEATH OF LOVED ONES" and stopped.

The fire crackled and glowing sparks went flying from the fireplace offering small light to wherever they floated about the room, just before vanishing into the air. I enjoyed the warmth radiating from the flames and out into the small room mixing with the cool winter air before continuing on reading.

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