The Dark Descent Inside the Mind Part III

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DEDICATION: For my sister; In hopes of which I may be the light to guide you through the dark times, as you often were and shall continue to be for me.

All the hopes, dreams and friends of your younger days shall eventually pass you by. Alas, you cannot stop the passage of time, my old friend.
            THE DARK DESCENT

  The small feet of my little sister swung back and forth from atop the counter where she sat, smiling, eating a red apple and looking at me in my eyes.

I sighed, laughed and tousled her hair, where it went in front of her eyes and covered her face. She gave a small huff of annoyance, attempted to blow the hair out of her face, gave up and brushed it behind her ear while glaring at me with her beautiful light blue eyes.

They always reminded me of that of a wolf's, her eyes. Often I would hug her or hold her close just so that I could look into them and marvel at how unique they were and yet how perfectly they suited her.

I then picked her up from the countertop and set her down on the floor, where the top of her head came up to just above my shoulder. I had always been taller than her, and she hated it. Of course, I teased her about it constantly, purely for that reason. Secretly however, we both silently agreed it was much better this way.

"What?" She asked, taking another bite into the crisp apple.

I shrugged. "How're you doing?" I asked her.

"I'm fine." She snapped back quickly.

"Really? You seem edgy. You do know you can always tell me anything right?" I replied calmly.

"Yeah I know I know." She said with a slight smile.

Her smile was like her eyes. Unique. Genuine. But perfectly crafted and molded to fit her and only her. Often, she would put up a small facade and give those who asked that question, and those similar to it, a fake smile, an untruthful answer, all accompanied by her running her fingers through her hair.

Every so often though, she would give that wondrous, genuine, beautiful smile that simply forces you to smile with it.

"Okay good. Hey, what do you say you and I go get a coffee or something?" I said.

"What? You mean like, right now?" She asked.

"Yeah sure right now, why not?" I responded.

She shrugged "I.. I don't know... I've got a lot of homework and I'm really stressed out and-" I cut her off by tickling her, causing her to laugh uncontrollably, then picking her up, I squeezed her into a tight bear hug and said laughing, "Nope too bad we're going."

While I treated my sister much like a child, in all reality she was that of a recent sixteen years old. I simply refused to let her grow up in my mind. It was easier for me that way. For both of us. To stay in the joyful past of our beloved youth, in a time when trivial matters such as getting a splinter from playing outside was the biggest of our problems.

She giggled all the way into the car, then buckled herself in and peeked her head out the window.

"You coming slow poke!?" She called out jokingly.

I pulled my navy blue trench coat on over my shoulders and skipped down the steps of my front door down and out to my car, where she was already waiting in the passenger seat.

"Okay okay, give me a minute,  I don't want to freeze to death out here." I said jovially back.

I then started the car, and handed her one of my jackets which she often wore; wether it was because she just forgot hers, or preferred mine, I wasn't sure.

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