Chapter 3-4-5

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: "well this is awkward"

"A simple 'thank you' would not be entirely unwelcome."

Lauren smirks and stands up, striding to Camila's side and sitting down next to her, back pressed against the wall. Now she can see Camila's face perfectly. The brunette shifts uncomfortably, as though the blonde's closeness burns. Lauren smiles cheekily at her.

"Thank you."

Camila nods. "You're welcome, Miss Jauregui."

The blonde's eyes roll and she can't help a groan. "Please, call me Lauren."

"You're welcome, Lauren," Camila replies, and already the blonde regrets having corrected her, because the way the 'r' rolls off the brunette's tongue and she clicks the 'k' is all kinds of criminal. "Was your corner so tight that you had to come sit next to me?"

The question surprises Lauren, who turns to her saviour with a quirked eyebrow. Their shoulders brush with the movement and Camila practically flinches. "If my presence bothers you so much, why did you save me?"

Camila's aggravated sigh only contributes to Lauren's further amusement. "I would be a pretty terrible person if I just left you there during an earthquake. And don't act so surprised, shall I remind you that you were all over my fiancé ever since you arrived?"

Lauren smirks and lightly bumps their shoulders. "Guilty as charged. Not my fault that you two are such a good looking pair." The look of disbelief Camila shoots her makes her comment fully worth it.

"Do you just go around flirting with everyone you see?"

"Only the ones that catch my eye," Lauren shrugs.

Camila raises a sceptical eyebrow at her. "Has my fiancé caught your eye?"

The snort that leaves Lauren's mouth is wholly unbecoming. "Have you met him?"

Camila narrows her eyes in confusion as she looks at Lauren like she's crazy. "Of course I have, we are engaged. I would never get betrothed to someone I have never met."

Now it's Lauren's turn to stare at Camila like she has two heads. "I mean his appearance."

Camila's eyes widen as understanding dawns on her. "Oh. Yes, of course." She adopts a questionable look of confident appreciation. "There is a reason we are engaged, Lauren. Nathan is a... hunk."

Lauren decides that she has never heard anything so gay in her whole life. She chuckles at Camila's obvious ineptness at complimenting her fiancé's physique, and places her hand atop the brunette's in a gesture of mock comfort. "You tried."

Camila grumbles with rolling eyes and Lauren is positive she can see the brunette pout. It is adorable.

"He's hard to get to, I'll give you that," Lauren speaks up after some moments of silence as she stretches her legs in front of herself. "For some reason he won't even look at me."

"Nathan is fiercely loyal to me, he would never cheat," Camila replies proudly. "He's inflexibly faithful."

"No man is inflexibly faithful. They all break eventually."

Camila smirks at Lauren's words. "Nathan will not."

"Please," the blonde scoffs. "Have you seen me?"

Green eyes rake over her body. Camila swallows. "...Yes."

A burning silence settles between them as their eyes lock for several seconds. Lauren is the first to break the link, averting her gaze to one of the concrete walls. She barely knows Camila yet her presence is deeply alluring. She should not be affected by someone's voice, eyes, lips, personality— hell, someone's everything like this.

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