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This week went by pretty slow. I went to school then dance practice, came home that was pretty much my day. It was almost Friday now. I gave Kylie my number we were supposed to hang out this weekend I couldn't wait. Me and Kylie became friends very easily. She was fun to be around. We ate lunch together,  we had a couple classes she is really getting along with Tyler and James which is good because they're my friends, we have a new member to our little gang I thought to myself, Tyler, James, Kylie, and me. Saturday Tyler's taking us to a party with him . So Friday after school Kylie and I are going to go shopping. I got home on Thursday and my mom was in her run packing. "Hey sweety, I have to go out of town for a month or so for a business trip, will you guys be fine?" Ever since my dad bied every time my mom leaves for longer then a night she asks if its ok. Its not like dad was here with us when she left so it doesn't bother me. "Yea its fine, where you going" I say sitting at the bottom of her bed watching her put dress suits in her suitcase.  "I think Ohio" she says folding up a black jacket. "I'm leaving tomorrow morning at 7" "oh ok" with that I walk to my room. I've been sitting in my room since 3:30 we didn't have practice today. It was now 5 so I checked my emails, I saw one from lucy and opened it.

    Dear Riley,
I've missed you so much. This has been a long 4 months without you. So caleb and you finally broke up, good. So tell me about this mystery boy of yours is he hot? What color hair does he have? What color eyes? I bet he's sexy! Well hioe to met him one day love you -lucy xoxox
Lucy was the only one who knew about caleb but why'd she say good? What was I missing first caleb saying stay true to me and her saying you broke up, good. What's going on? I decided to write her back.

  Dear lucy,
I've missed you too! :'( I made the dance team! :) To answer your questions he has carmal eyes and the lightest brown hair. Yes he is very sexy and hot. He also has an amazing 6 oack that I want to just rube my hands on and he's hair is always messy but thats what makes him so hot I just want to put my fingers through his hair and kiss he's perfect pink lips. He's also ca

"Who are you talking about" I heard a deep male voice from right next to me. I jump out my chair and saw Tyler I could feel my fave turning pink so I hurried ul and looked away. I saw him look back at the laptop and I jumped up and minimize it "come one tell me who you were talking about" he begs "no way that's for me to know and you to not" I say and smile at him he is just so darn sexy! We Sat and talked for  couole more minutes then my mom called me to come eat. He went out the window and I went downstairs.
       After dinner I did my choirs and went back up stairs to my room. When I ooen my door I saw him by my laptop reading something. "Tyler what are you doing?" I ask walking over there. I saw he was looking at my email. "Tyler what the fuck?" I say slamming my laptop down "you think I'm sexy?" He says with a smirk on his face oh how I just want to slap him right now. I felt my anger raising but I don't want to snap out on him I don't want to hurt his feelings.  I go to my bathroom and slam the door and lock it instead.  "Come on Riley, I didn't mean to upset you?" He says I can just hear the sadness in his voice I just want to open the door and kiss him. No Riley you mad at him! "Juat go away Tyler" I say upset I'm more embarrassed them mad the things I said about him in there and he read it! "Riley please I'm sorry I just wanted to know" I stayed quite trying not to cry. Only because he hury my feelings and went behind my back after I said no he's just like caleb. Caleb always use to make me let him read mt texts and emails he would force me to go to partys with him and he would get druck and grind on other girls and thingd and I would just watch if I ever talked to a guy he would accuse me on cheating.  Now the more I think about it I didn't love caleb I just wanted to be loved because I didn't know what it was and I wanted a boyfriend to hold me and I liked caleb but he was to clingy.
(Flash back)
Caleb and I was sitting on his couch watching  captain America. We were all alone he first started kissing me and then pulled me on him so I was straddling him I felt uncomfortable he kept putting his hands on my butt and in my shirt "caleb stop I don't want to do this" I said trying to keep off he just kept pulling me on him. "You know you want my dick you don't have to say no you can have it right here right now"  he pushed my head towards his dick he was pulling down his pants and  shaving my head down there lucky for me there was a knock on the door I was bailing my eyes out. A little old lady came to the door "is there someone screaming in here"she asked. I was tring to be quiet but my sobs were just to loud. "Aww little girl what's the matter" she asked invitng her self in the house. I was about to tell her my so called boyfriend was tring to force me on him but caleb bet me to it "her grate grandpa died" he said. He lied to the por old ladys face. She was around 80 or so with white hair and greg eyes she had about a zillion wrinkles. She eas staring at me like she was trying to read me. "Sweety what's wrong" she said looking at me "like I said her grate grandpa died" caleb said tapping his foot by the the door. I didn't want her to leave I'm scard what caleb might do. "I'm talking to the girl" she hissed "I-I-I " I looked at caleb and he giving me a very scary face like if  you don't say what I said your dead. I looked at my phone and saw it was 6:15 pm "hey look at the time I should really get home" I said standing up and teied walking out the door but cakeb grabbed me and said "let the lady leave first" when she left he started kissing me so I kissed him back. Then he started moving his hands on my brest and butt "caleb stop stop" I said pushing him off me. He slapped me across my face really hard. I was shocked and my face was stinging. I started to cry and he hugged me and yold me he didn't mean it he was sorry.
End of flash back

I didn't notice I was crying in tell I felt liquid fall from my cheeks. "Riley come on I'm sorry" I got up and went to the sink and cleaned my face to make it look like I wasn't crying. I came out and he hugged me and said he was so sorry. We hung out tell like 11:45. I looked at my phone and  saw what time it was "Tyler you know its almost midnight right?" I asked him "shit no" he gave me a hug and walked to the window and said bye. I turned out my light and went to sleep. I can't believe he snooped through my things!

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