chapter one~ the neighborhood

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I love driving through the woods Massachusetts. They're peaceful and filled with nothing but trees and the occasional stray house that the ground is starting to take with it.

"Mimi you still alive back there?" My dad asked me from the drivers seat.

"Don't worry, haven't lady bird-ed myself yet Pops." I joked back to him slightly smiling.

"What's a ladybird?" He whispered to my mother confused.

"I don't know? I think it's from those B27 movies she likes." I heard her whisper shout back.

It's called A24 Cami...

"Anyways was this new and hip town called?" I asked our wonderful pilots.

"Wellsbery. I think you'll find it nice here. They've got some great student out reach programs for new students and a wonderful art program!" My mom trailed on. She always made everything sound nice even when it wasn't but I have to agrees with her on this one. It did sound nice...for now.

I had decided I had enough of watching the trees go by so I put my headphones in and drift off to sleep but when I woke up I was no longer seeing trees.

I saw streets lined with tiny shops and other businesses with little apartments on the floor above. At first I wondered which one was ours because, well my parents just were apparent dwellers but as we drove into a neighborhood I felt the car slow down to creep and saw both my mom and my dad start looking at house numbers.

"Ok here Bradley Street... 247, 249..." I hear my dad mumbling up front.

"THERE 253!" My mom shouted pointing at a modern colonial house.

"Home sweet home." She smiled in relief...


"Mija! Come help me with the boxes!" My dad hollered for me.

I walked over to my dad standing by the u haul for him to hand me a box, when I suddenly heard yelling from the house next door.

"Really Marcus! Smoking weed on the side of the road, in clear view of everyone,neighbors,cops!" A middle aged blond woman scolded her clearly stoned son. Like for real this kid was blazed out of his mind. "Seriously I want to know what was going through your brain?"

"Well it's legal now." Her son finally let out.

"Not for you it's not!" She gritted her teeth and furrowed her brows. "Now you are going get in that house and go to your room. You are grounded."

He said nothing and just stared at his mom for a long time.

"ACKNOWLEDGE ME DAMN IT!" His mother shouted at him snapping him of his haze.

"Alright fine, I'm grounded." He put his hands up in defeat. "But can you tell me when dinner is? I'm kinda hungry." He said walking backwards placing a hand on his stomach.

I accidentally let out a snicker watching this whole ordeal go down. Which lead to the both of them shooting looks at me, the boy sent my a very confident smirk and walked in to his house and his mother's face turned bright red after realizing the new neighbors just watched a woman berate her son for being a delinquent before quickly rushing inside her house.

"So those are our neighbors?" My mother asked duly.

"Yep." I responded matching her. "Well I'm gonna go unpack..." I trailed on walking into the house.

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