chapter two~ the roof top meeting

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It was around eight forty seven at night when i finished unpacking my room.

Who knew how much moving boxes around could take out of you. I collapsed on my bed and let out a huge sigh.

This is home I guess.

"Mimi! It's time for dinner!" My mom shouted up the stairs. I hate when she makes us eat together and act like everything is normal. As much as It hate it's nice to entertain her nice to entertain her perfect family bullshit every now and then.

"MIRIELLE, NOW!" She shouted with more force. I should get down there.

"I'm here." I announced agitated "What's for dinner?". Then I looked down at the table.

"Chicago diner food." My mom said with a smile putting my food down on the table. "I know it always reminds you of home so... I thought this could help make here feel like home." She offered with a smile.

If my mother knows anything it's how to temporarily get on my good side. Diner food is my favorite, it always has been. I first lived near the south side of Chicago and there was this incredible hot dog place down the street from my house that my dad would take me to. When my mom told me we were moving to Oregon I was rightfully pissed but then I started googling nearest diners. And now diner food was the first thing I've eaten in Massachusetts.

I sat down right in between my mom and my dad and looked down at the Chicago style hot dog. Then picked it up and took a bite.

"So what do you think?" My mom perked up.

"Hang on, I'm still chewing." I giggled with a mouth full of food. "I think it's good." I smiled after I finished chewing.

"Like Arlo's type of good?" My mother asked with a smile.

"OH nothing will ever be as good as Arlo's" I jokingly scoffed at her.

"Got that right." My father chimed in joyfully.

After laughing and my families' corny jokes until my ribs hurt while chowing down on enough food to feed all of Wellsbury until my father went back to unpacking the living room and I started to head back to my little slice of safe haven aka my room until my little slice of heaven, until my mom stopped me.

"Aren't you gonna help me clean up mija?" She asked kindly. I knew this voice, she used it whenever she wanted to have one of her work famous 'friendly chats'.

"Oh uh sure." I trailed cautiously towards the sink.

"So, what do you think so far?"I could tell she was testing the waters. "Ya know about the house and everything?"

"It's nice... I like my room." I barely let out.

"Ok... what do you think about the neighbors?" She asked adding more enthusiasm to her words.

"They seem like, an interesting bunch to have around..." Once again keeping my words short and scrubbing the dishes.

"Yeah I'm sure I want you hanging around that boy, no matter how cute he is!" My mom chuckled.

"Oh so we're doing this?" I dryly asked widening my eyes.

"Doing what? Mirielle..." she sighed as her face dropped. "Having a fun, goofy conversation."

"Acting like you didn't drag me and dad half way across the fucking country for the second time in our lives!" I said to her.

"Don't you dare curse at me!" She scolded back. "Pardon me for being a mother wanting to have a fun conversation with her daughter..." she turned to me and put her hands up in surrender.

"Oh, now you want to be a mother?" I questioned her.

"What are you even talking about, I give you food, clothes, I just moved us to one of the nicest neighborhoods in the whole god damn country!" She started listing.

"Oh don't even start with that bare necessities bullshit. You traveled whole goddamn world leaving me on my own! Only to decide you want to be my mother when it's too late!" I started raising my voice.

"MIRIELLE IT WAS MY JOB! I HAD NO CHOICE!" Shouting at me. "God how did I raise such a selfish kid." She put her palm to her forehead.

"I am so FUCKING sorry that it was too much to ask to have my mother at my BIRTHDAY! I am so sorry that I was a kid who just wanted her mom in her life!"

"Hey what's going on in here?" My dad poked his head around the corner.

"Your daughter is acting like an entitled like bitch!" My mom shouted.

"Ok, Cami, calm down the two of you are just agitated with eachother." My dad walked over to my moms trying to defuse the situation.

"OH PLEASE you just can't stand to be called out on your own bullshit!" I shouted back,

"ARTEMIA MIRIELLE! You do not raise your voice at your mother! Do you understand me?" My dad's tone shifted. "Now go to your room! You clearly need time to yourself!"

"Whatever..." I scoffed stomping over to the stairs and up to the landing.

"I can't handle her... anymore" I heard my mother groan. "She's just too much of a loose cannon!" She whispered shouted.

I'm so done with her shit. I walked into my room and slammed the door. I paced around the room for a bit the decide to get my pajamas on.

I threw on a pair of grey sweat pants and a big ass tshirt from hot topic.

I walked over to my desk and picked up an altoids tin filled with tea cigarettes. I grabbed a lighter that was hidden in a pair of shoes and threw them both in my pocket.

I need fresh air.

I walked over to my window and opened it up then climbed on to the little area of roof outside of it. I took the lighter and the cigarette out of my pocket, place the cigarette between my lips and lit it up.

It was peaceful up on the roof, you kinda just saw shadows at silhouettes of the world while it's asleep. The window across from was dark and still but the window next to it was lit up. There was a girl with wavy black hair dancing around her room with her friends and having teenager fun. Good for them.

I keep burning down my cigarette until I saw the dark window open up and a boy popped out of it. It was the same kid from earlier

"Going somewhere?" I slyly asked him.

His head shot up, not expecting me to be there.

"Ya know, smoking kills." He smirked back.

"Touché cat burglar." I smiled back at him tapping my cigarette. "What's your name, theif of the night?" I asked him.

"Marcus. And what might your name be Virginia Slims?"

I took another drag of my cigarette. "Mirielle." I said exhaling the smoke.

"Well it's been a pleasure chatting with you, Mirielle. But I've got to run... I have an appointment..." he climbed down the garden figure and onto the grass. He looked back up at me and saluted with two fingers to his forehead.

"Alright but come back around four twenty..." I saluted back. I put out my cigarette and slid back through my window and into my room. I decided it was time to go to bed.

I unmade the bed and slipped in under the covers and tried to get some shut eye.

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