I will help you!

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The first time I knew I was special was as a child in pre-school. One of my playmates had come in to say goodbye to everyone. He was going into hospital as he some sort on bad thing inside him, which I found out later was cancer. It was in his stomach, and they were going to treat it and maybe operate to remove it. I could see his Mummy was terrified he was going to die, but trying to be strong for him. I don't know how I knew, I just knew.
I went over to him as they were leaving and gave him a big hug. All the parents thought it was so cute, but I was actually taking his cancer away.
I don't know how I knew how to do it, it just seemed that the most natural thing to me.
I took it into my body, and gave it to my elderly neighbour. He was already dying from another cancer, I could sense it when I held his hand. His wife had died 5 years earlier and he did not have any family as far as I knew. They did not visit him anyway.
He told me he was ready to go to be with his wife, she was waiting for him in heaven. I don't know anything about heaven, but I knew he had had enough of life, so in a way I was helping him move on.

My Mum had always been a big lady, she tried everything to lose weight but nothing worked and nobody had the sort of money needed to have an operation, so I decided to try my gift. While holding her hand, I would pull a bit of her fat from her body when she dropped me off at school and during the day I would deposit it with various students in the school. The most active ones, and it was only a bit here or there. They did not even notice it.
In time, my Mum was a lot slimmer, which she contributed to diet and exercise. I never told anyone, it seemed wrong somehow.

The first person that became aware of my gifts was an elderly lady neighbour who had chronic pains in her body, but hated taking the pain meds as they made her dopey. I held her hand and the pain was terrible but I pulled it out of her when I touched her hand. She looked at me confused, and then amazed as she could see the pain in my face. Walking home, I gave it to some plants in a garden. Just as I had with people, I gave only a little to each plant. Plants are effected by pain too, but since the pain was spread over around 50 plants in various gardens, there was no lasting damage.
I continued to visit my elderly neighbour each day, taking her pain and sharing it out. She tried stopping me after the second time, saying it wasn't right me taking it and suffering instead of her, but I told her about sharing it with the plants on my walk home. She looked at me like I was some sort of angel, but I'm not, I'm just different from everyone else.

Over the years I have helped many over weight people by stopping them and pretending I was in pain, they would instantly grab my hand to comfort me and I would take some of their fat. I figured out a way of distributing it off on healthy and fitness people. Runners, walkers, swimmers. They never even noticed they left me carrying an extra 2 kilos of fat. It never seemed to make any difference to them, they stayed fit and healthy.

One time I was in the hospital visiting a friend, a doctor stopped near me, he was exhausted by so busy. I reached out to him to ask a question and gave him most of my energy. I felt exhausted after but I was able to siphon energy from people who bumped into me in the busy corridors as I left.

All of this stayed private, my donors and my recipients never noticed anything, even my family and friends never found out.

I was in my 30's when I moved to Britain, quite a change from home town of Sydney Australia. A lot colder for one thing. I moved around a fair bit as I wanted to travel around Britain and see everything. In my travels I heard about The Supervet, an Irishman, named Noel Fitzpatrick, who lived in England and had a vet practice with all sorts of medical ways of helping animals. He is my definition of a Saint or Angel. I have a great love of animals, and never once did I pass anything off to an animal. There was a huge sense of wrongness about that!

After watching his program on the BBC, I realised he worked very long hours, much longer than most people. The simple reason was he was compelled to help animals as much as he could. I decided to visit his practice one day, I wanted to get as much information as I could. I found a dog in a shelter and for the first time I gave an animal something I had taken from someone else. I gave it cancer. I was able to hold off it's pain till we went in to see Noel, and then I let it feel the pain. Noel treated the dog, all of which I happily paid for and removed the tumour I had given it. I felt slightly guilty for the pain this poor dog suffered, but it had not had it for long.
After it's treatment was complete, I had to bring it back once more so Noel could sign off on it. I purposefully made it very late in the evening as I knew that was when Noel would be the most tired.
He signed off on the dog, and I could see he was exhausted. He had had a long day and now was going to start operations. He asked if he was alright and he said "oh yes I'm fine! Got some long difficult operations tonight and it's been a long day, but all my staff are wonderful people and we will get through it.
I had been chatting to a lady in the waiting room and she had a small child, who appeared to be part race car. He was running around getting into everyone's way. Their cat was seeing different doctor, it had something Noel did not specialise in, but the little boy dearly wanted to meet Noel.
I convinced Noel to come to briefly meet the little boy, he was unsure as he was so busy, but somehow it worked. We walked out to the waiting room and the little boy saw Noel and raced up to us.
Noel bent down to talk with the boy and I crouched down beside them. Nobody else in the waiting room noticed I had one hand on Noel's knee and one hand on the boy's shoulder. After chatting to the boy we stood up and the boy trudged back to his Mum. He was a bit tired now, but Noel looked much better.
"Told you it would be worth it, didn't I. How is your energy level now?" I said casually. He stopped and realised he was feeling much better.
"Wow, who knew talking to small child could be so uplifting. I feel so much better." He chuckled. He was still not aware what had happened, and genially thought it was chatting to the child that had refreshed him. I thanked him for signing off on my dog and told my dog home. Yes I did keep him, he wasn't just a prop to be dumped later.

The next day I went back to the practise without my dog. I told them I needed to speak to Noel about a couple of things. They fitted me into his busy schedule. When he came out and got me, he was confused that I did not have my dog as he had assumed that there must have been a problem.
We went into the consult room, and for the first time I told someone of my talent. He was skeptical, but I told him I could prove it.
That night I returned and unfortunately there was no human to siphon from, so I gave him energy from myself. He looked at me in amazement, as he could see that I was now exhausted and he was refreshed.
"I am not telling you this for praise or notoriety, in fact if you tell anyone I will look at you like you are mad, no I am telling you this because I can help with your energy levels."
He hugged me then and was amazed that anyone would do such a thing.
"Isn't that what you do for animals? You only take money because you need to pay for things. I bet if you did not have to charge, you wouldn't!" He grinned then, his stubble covered chin making him look endearing.
I won't say I wasn't attracted to him, but I did not want things getting confused, and I felt sure he had a partner.
We made an agreement then, if he needed help with his energy levels so he could keep going, he would call me.

I was called on to help him many times over several years. I was still helping the average person too when I could, but I had become dissolutioned with the human race in general. There are too many people in the world, and much to much greed. The lack of willingness to look after our planet and be as respectful to the animals on the planet as to the humans made me angry. So I started to only help certain people.

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