^Chapter 17^

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*the next day*

I woke up pretty late still exhausted from the night before which is worth it. I turn to Cate's side of the bed seeing nothing, I get up and put on some short pants and a oversized shirt.

I go down the stairs to the kitchen seeing Sandra,Sarah and Cate sitting there talking. „Good morning baby I made some pancakes" Cate smiles blowing me a kiss.

A blush appears on my cheek and I blow her a kiss back putting a pancake on my plate with some Nutella.

I sit down at the table with Sarah and Sandra. „you liked your present" Sandra had a smut smile on her face. I ignore the question and focused my eyes on Sarah which was still sick from yesterday, I laugh.

„so how was clubbing" Cate asked to stop the awkwardness in the room. I start laughing but then the kiss rushed threw my brain and i turn red in seconds. I shove the pancake in my mouth.

I look up seeing Cate and Sandra giving me a confused look wondering why Sarah and I are so quiet. I take a look at Sarah which seems not to remember much so i ask her.

"I think you have to ask her if she even remembers anything" i laugh and get up to clean up my finished plate.

"Well i think it was nice there were many creeps trying to fuck but i had that under control" Sarah says straddling Sandra's waist placing a kiss on her neck.

"What do you mean because obviously you was waisted yesterday" Cate paused.... "Sandy told me you threw up while Y/N and I where outside" she squeezes my hand saying that. I bite my lip kissing Cate to shut her up.

"let's not talk about yesterday..... what are we doing today" I ask i just don't want to stay in the house all day. "well i planned to go out eat sushi and then we will all go to the club does that sound good"  Cate asked and we all agreed.

this is a little short but new chapters coming very soon.
What to you think about a foursome????

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