Chapter 27: Darkness Rising

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Snapper had followed through on his decision to post the story about Supergirl turning on the city and the direct quote of how she wanted to be worshipped.  The entire article was met with disbelief in most cases and outright hostility in others.  No one could believe that their hero, the woman that had brought hope by defeating Myriad, the White Martians and other threats would turn on them.  Even Cat Grant returned from her leave of absence and called the reports into question.

“Snapper,” Cat shouted in a fit of consternation, “you have to retract this story immediately and issue a public apology to Supergirl!”

“I won’t do that Cat.  I can’t.  You weren’t here, you didn’t see what I saw, hear what we all heard.  Supergirl has become a threat to National City, if not the world.  The story has already had an effect.  It’s going viral as we speak.”

“I don’t care!  Supergirl could never…”

While Cat continued on in her tirade, she was unaware that the topic of hers and Snapper’s discussion had been listening in and much like she did previously, she flew through the glass windows of Cat’s office.  She landed with a purpose in mind and stood up, a vile smirk on her face.

“Cat…Cat…Cat…you really should listen to Snapper.  Everything he’s telling you is true.  I’ve decided to stop being National City’s lap dog.  My powers put me above the rest of you.”

Cat recognized the voice of the blonde woman standing behind her, but the outright malice in her tone was new.  Upon turning, the experienced journalist put up her most emotionless mask before addressing the other woman.

“Supergirl?  I have to say that I’m a little surprised at what I’ve heard.  This isn’t you, at least not the you that gave that rousing hope filled speech over my defunct public broadcast system to the city just a few years ago.”

“That’s because I’m not that Supergirl anymore.  She grew up, got tired of feeling like nothing she did would ever make her the hero her cousin is.  In short, I’m not Supergirl anymore.  Call me Ultragirl.”

“Ultragirl?  Pretentious, don’t you think?”

“Oh Cat…you always did have a way with words.  I can see that you want proof that I’ve changed.  How would I go about doing that?”

Ultragirl paced around Cat’s office, hands clasped behind her back, and her eyes closed deep in thought. There was something sadistic playing out in her mind, both Cat and Snapper could feel it with their instincts.  Suddenly, as if a lightbulb went off, Ultragirl turned back towards Cat, a dark gleam in the former’s eyes.

“I know; how about I throw you off the balcony of your building again, just like I did when Max Lord had me under the influence of red kryptonite.”

Cat did her best to hide her fear, but knew that this time Supergirl wasn’t going to save her.  Red k had stripped the heroine of her inhibitions, and increased her rage.  What was going to happen now, gave Cat the sinking feeling that this time she would die.

As if in slow motion, Ultragirl grabbed Cat by the collar of her blazer and dragged her through the broken glass.  With a deft jump, this dark version of National City’s hero was on the ledge.  Her hand immediately outstretched Cat over the city below.  With menace in her tone, she spoke one more time.

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