Chapter 9: Suprise?

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This date was a combo of 2 requests I received. Thank you and for giving me both of these ideas! 🥰🥰

Bokuto's POV:

As we sat down at a table waiting for a waitress to take our order I found myself staring at Akaashi, his dark curls fell perfectly, and his blue eyes were just gorgeous, and-

"Uhh, B-Bokuto?"

I felt my ears turn beet red as I realized I had stared at him a little too long.

"S-sorry..." I replied meekly.

A few moments later a waitress came ready to take our orders and saving us from the awkward silence I had created.

"Can I get a Cappuccino?" Akaashi asked politely.

"And I'll get an iced americano," I added.

"Sure! I'll get those out for you right away!"

As we continued to conversate, I noticed myself spacing out and staring at Akaashi more than I should. I shouldn't even be staring at him in the first place! But he's just so pretty.

After about an hour of this, we had both finished our drinks and were waiting for the bill.

"I had a great time with you Bokuto-san," he said as he gave me another one of his million-dollar smiles that made my heart skip 2 beat.

"Me too," I replied.

Our waitress came back with the bill that I and Akaashi split before we walked out the door. Akaashi was about to head to his bus stop when I yelled,

"Akaashi wait!"


"Well, I prepared one more thing for us to do on this date," I said raising my pointer finger.

"Really? You didn't have to do that" he said tilting his head.

"But I wanted to, so join me?"

"(bites his lip) alright."

"YAYYY! Ok now come with me, and do you mind putting a blindfold on later?

"I am not putting a blindfold on."

"Oh come on pleeassseeeeee," I whined out of desperation.

"......ok ok."

I grinned widely and happily lead him to my car. When we had to say down and he clipped his seatbelt into place, he looked at me expectantly. I finally realized that he was anticipating a blindfold that I failed to deliver.

"Oh uhh sorry, but the thing I planned doesn't start until like 9 pm, sooooo basically we have 9 hours to kill! " I said trying to make the offer as appealing as possible.

He gave me the "are you kidding me" look.

"Please?" I said giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"....... You're lucky I don't have anything else planned for today," he grumbled.

The grin I previously had returned to its spot before I pulled out of the parking lot.

"So where do you wanna go?" I asked.

"I don't know, you pick."

So this went on, the both of us taking turns to decide where to go. Karaoke, a walk in the park, mini-golf, the boardwalk, and so on and so forth.

When the time for the little surprise I planned finally came....we were both exhausted.

"Ok Akaashi, it's time for me to show you my surprise!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Do we have to, I'm so tired."

"Yes, now put your blindfold on."

He sighed in defeat before grabbing the blindfold out of my hand and making his way back to the car. By the time I sat down, he already had his blindfold on and was ready to go. We drove for a good 20 minutes and at 8:56 we had finally arrived.

"Akaashi, I'll be right back ok? I just need to set some stuff up?"

"Hm? Oh ok."

I quickly jumped out of the car and grabbed a picnic blanket, 2 bags of chips, chocolate, sour candy, and fairy lights out of my trunk. I had finished setting it up after 5 minutes and the movie was about to start so I ushered Akaashi out of the car and led him right in front of my little setup.







Akaashi's POV:

I felt my heart flutter as I stared at the arrangement before me. Throughout the day Bokuto led me around town, trying to kill time so when he said it was time for the "surprise" I wasn't expecting much. But this was lovely.

"It's beautiful," I said trying to hide my blush.

"Not as beautiful as you." he teased.

"Ugh don't be so cheesy...." I whine hiding my face in my hands.

"But it's true. Now sit down the movie is about to start."

Movie? I looked up to be greeted with a giant projector screen and about 200 other people. Bokuto had taken me to see a drive-in movie. (A/N I still don't know if that's what it called 😗✌)

"O-Okay. By the way what movie are we watching?"

"Apostle," he said turning his head to face me.


When I movie was over I was more tired than I thought I would be, when I looked over my shoulder I saw Bokuto in a similar thought process as me.

"Bokuto I should be heading home now," I said yawning once more.

"Me too."

I helped him pack all of his stuff into his car before we drove off.

When we approached my house Bokuto suggested that he walk me to my door. I agreed, I mean it wouldn't hurt, right?


As unlocked my door, but before I could walk in I made a decision.

I turned my head and stared at him for a moment. I saw that he furrowed his eyebrows confused. But before he could ask any more questions, I leaned in and, and...

Kissed him.

(A/N that cliffhanger tho, sorry not sorry ❤ )

(959 words)

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