Chapter 15: Five AM

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3rd person POV:

Yahaba walked out of his home that morning feeling fucking hot.

He woke up abruptly at around 5, and thought to make the best of it, rubbing his eyes tiredly, and wincing when his feet touched his cold tile floors. He slipped on a pair of socks and made his way to bathroom.

Splashing some cold water on his face, he looked up in mirror. 'Damn, I look like shit' he repeated to himself. At least he had 4 hours to fix the mess he made of himself in the 6 hours he had been unconscious. He did anything possible to his appearance trying to kill time, but first, he had to shower. He cleansed his face, and tried about every single skincare item he owned. He exfoliated his arms, legs, for fucks sake, even his face. He even did a hair mask, before blow-drying his hair, and styling it.  

He checked the clock


Great. Two more hours.

He sighed. What to do, he thought. Yahaba eventually decided to do his makeup, besides he wanted to continue flirting with the blonde cutie at the studio, might as well look hot doing it. He did simple soft makeup, with peachy browns and pinks, focusing them on the outer edge of his eyes, finishing it off with a natural wing, and mascara. He smiled at himself in the mirror. 

Maybe I should start waking up earlier, he thought. Well maybe not 5 am early but waking up and 6:30 or 7 to have extra time to get ready couldn't hurt, could it? He checked the time again.


Perfect. Right on time. He quickly got dressed, slipped on his shoes, packing his bag with essentials, like deodorant, wet wipes, chapstick, hair ties (not for him, just for anyone who needs one), a change of clothes, and a change of shoes, before walking out the door.

He sat in his car, and blasted The Weekend, until he pulled in to the parking lot of the studio. Yahaba walked through the double doors and breathed in the smell, the smell he knew all too well, the smell of apricots and nutmeg. Apparently the director hated the smell of anything but fruits and spices.

"Good morning Keji." he greeted the raven haired male with a smile

Akaashi raised a brow, looking up from the paperwork he was doing at the receptionist desk. 

"Good morning Yahaba..." he said slowly, "why do you look so happy, you usually look like shit in the morning, and why are you early, you always get here after 10, and since when do you call me Keji?"

"Jesus Christ, you just asked me like 20 questions. Gimme a break"

"Yea, and you still haven't answered any of them so, go on." Akaashi made a face.

"Fine, I'm happy because I'm hot, I got here early because I woke up at 5, and to answer that last question, since now." Yahaba smiled snarkily back, and walked off. 

"He is going to be a force to be reckoned with today, Oikawa watch your ass.." he mumbled under his breath focusing on the paperwork once again.


Yahaba sat aimlessly on the couch in the cafeteria munching on a granola bar, when he was interrupted by a deep voice he knew all too well. 

"What's up cutie, mind if I sit?" Kentaro asked with a smirk on his face. Yahaba's cheeks burned red at the name, but managed to get over it in time to reply with something just a flirty. 

"I don't know hotstuff, it depends where." he said mimicking his smirk.

This time it was Kentaro's turn to turn pink, "How about right here." he said seating himself down right next to Yahaba, chuckling.

"Hmmm, I'll allow it for now..." Yahaba replied teasingly.

The sat in comfortable silence for several minutes, when Yahaba stood up to throw away the wrapper of his granola bar. On his way back, he got and idea...

Standing in front of Kentero, "Do you mind if I sit?" he asked tilting his head.

Kentaro, confused, nodded his head.

Yahaba smiled, "Great!"

He grabbed Kentaro's phone tossing it aside, before plopping himself on Kentaro's lap, straddling him.

Kentaro's eyes widened as he blushed furiously, before swallowing and composing himself.

"Soo.." Yahaba continued, "how about we finish what we started last week." he said suggestively.

Kentaro didn't even respond before smashing his lips on Yahaba's. Yahaba gladly reciprocated, smiling. A make out session quickly escalated, they were both laying down with Kentaro on top, giving Yahaba hickeys that lined his neck. It felt like they were making out for hours when, "Yahaboo~, I have somet-"

Tooru walked in, completely oblivious to sight he was about out see. 

Yahaba whipped his head to glare at his friend while Kentaro quickly jumped off 'Yahaboo', embarrassed. 

"TOORU YOU FUCKING COCKBLOCK." Yahaba yelled angrily, pushing himself off of the couch, turning his attention to Kentaro, giving him a small kiss on the nose, and whispering something that made his eyes wide, and his cheeks scarlet, before running off ready to kick some Oikawa ass. 


Meanwhile...Akaashi was still sitting at his desk, shaking his head. 

"Goddammit Oikawa, I warned you."

(A/N) hi 😗✌ wassup. im gonna pretned i wasnt gone for like 2 months like i always do. i dont even have and excuse, i just didn't feel like writing. but here it is. the piece of shit i call writing 😊😊 anyway, luv yall and see u whenever i post again ✨💖

(896 words)

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