2. I Met a Man

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"Alright class, settle down," Castiel announced.  The classroom was particularly louder today, students were throwing makeshift airplanes out of paper, talking to one another, and completely ignoring the fact that the teacher had even stepped into the room.  Castiel sighed and took a swig of his coffee, still trying to wake up after only getting about three hours of sleep last night.  Bags under his eyes formed from working for nine hours straight on grading papers and cooking dinner for two which was new to him after what happened four years ago.  The thought made him breath a heavy breath as he wiped one tear that was about to escape his eye.  Not today he thought.  "QUIET!"

The room went silent. Castiel's legs became noodles as he shut his mouth, surprised himself that he could yell that loud.  Guilt and shock came across the students faces as they got in their seats, and shakily, Castiel pulled out a stack of papers from under his desk.  "We're taking a test," he said almost in a whisper.  He slowly walked around his desk and placed a stack of papers on the desks in the front row.  "Take one and pass it back." 

The students cautiously took their papers and started jotting down their names.  Castiel walked back to his desk and sat down, typing vigorously on his computer trying to get the thought of the incident from all those years ago escape his mind.  He looked over at a photograph on his desk and smiled softly, running his thumb over the cheek of the young boy on it.  And put the picture down and stood, grabbing his keys.  "I'm heading to the office to collect your graded papers, if anyone goofs off I will give you an automatic zero.  Do I make myself clear?"

The students nodded, even the reckless group of boys that normally disrespected him now focused on their tests more than ever before.  Mr. Novak was known as the sweet and humble teacher at the school, he never yelled which made it easy for some of the lazy students to slack off and not care.   So this lash-out was the perfect thing needed to put them back into gear. 

Castiel closed his classroom door behind him and took a breath of relief.  He needed a break.  He needed to talk.  He needed Charlie. 

He arrived in the break room and started brewing another coffee, really wanting to go to his older brother's cafe instead, but he couldn't leave the school yet.  Five more hours he thought then I can see my baby.  He smiled and took the finished coffee pot, pouring the majority of it in his mug.  That's when someone bolted into the break room, red hair flying over her head all to one side.  "Did you make coffee?!" Charlie exclaimed. 

Castiel nodded and she bolted over, pouring some in a cup and chugging down in one gulp. "Thank Chuck, man.  I was dying in class today, that jerk kid Claire would not listen!"

That made Castiel chuckle.  "She's just a teenager trying to figure herself out, Charlie.  She's not evil." 

Charlie rolled her eyes, "Tell me that when she finally turns in her assignments without a hate note at the bottom, Cassie." 

Castiel shrugged and looked down at his coffee.  Suddenly, the memories of last week started to flow through his head.  The boy with green eyes...he made Castiel's heart stop.  And he was so sweet and respectful, Castiel had seen the desire stirring in the back of his eyes when he had asked for his number.  He smiled and a red flush came across his cheeks when he thought of him, Dean, how he let him go even though he wished so hard for a date.  He respected Castiel's decision and backed off, unlike most who pushed until he had to snap at them to leave him alone, Dean was so understanding. 

"I met a man," he said aloud.  Charlie looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh?" she replied, dragging out the 'o' sound.  "Really?"

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