Zenitsu x Tanjiro (13)

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TW: Rape

What goes on in the male's bathroom upstairs wasn't a mystery to the school. While teachers might just write them down as bullying and fights, Zenitsu knew that it was much more than just that. This school was unsafe, but transferring to another one was a burden to him and his family.

They weren't rich. They were just above the poverty line.

If he didn't need to transfer, then it was much better not to.

Zenitsu found the environment in the school to be decent, as long as they were under constant supervision of the teachers. But if it was just that, his school life would be as dull as ever. "Ah, Zenitsu!" His boyfriend was the one who would lighten up his day, even on a hot day, Tanjiro was showering him with bring sunrays that seemed to be never ending. "Daydreaming again? Want a soda?"

He would say while giving him a cheery smile.

"Mhm," The blond mutters, pulling Tanjiro's arm, suggesting that he should sit with him under the shade. Tanjiro does so, a sigh escaping him as he relaxes against the tree.

Zenitsu presses the cold soda against his own neck. "It's a nice day today." Tanjiro comments, staring at the sky with a lidded gaze—almost like he's daydreaming for a split second. "Want to do something fun? Oh, I'm pretty sure there was a new water park that opened near our house, want to stop there before heading home?"

"Yeah but-- Gramps will get annoyed with me if I stay out too long. And Kaigaku will bother me nonstop if he knows I was hanging out with you." Zenitsu opens the drink, hearing the fizziness of the drink. "He doesn't really... Like me being with you."

Tanjiro pulls Zenitsu to lean on his shoulder, wrapping his arms around him lovingly. "It's so hot outside though. I'm sure he won't know if you said that you went to help out with the elderly. After all, how can he blame you for being out so late if you're doing something good?"

A sarcastic chuckle escaped the blond, "If only he was that reasonable." Before taking a long sip.

Tanjiro tucks the hair behind his ear, still hugging him. "So... you're not coming? Is that what you're telling me?" Zenitsu shook his head; denying.

"I would if Gramps would get off of my back, then maybe."

The redhead hummed, "What if... I told you that we would be alone? Nezuko isn't coming with us. Neither are my brothers, or Hanako." Noticing how Zenitsu was suddenly listening attentively, "It would be just me, and you. If we go early enough, there would be practically no one. You know?" He asked teasingly.

The blond made a split-second decision, after all, it was basically a no brainer.

"Fine, but I can't stay too long."

Tanjiro chuckled under his breath, "Mhhnmmp." He kisses Zenitsu's cheek, arms tightening around his shoulder. "I knew you would give in eventually." Hearing that tints the Blond's cheek with a rosy red, Tanjiro knew him too well.

After school, that was the exact place they went to. Pinkies intertwined, as the temperature is too hot to be holding hands for a long time. Stopping for some popsicles was something they would do on a regular basis, to the point where the shop owner would know them well enough to be giving discounts.

Tanjiro slides his school bag onto the bench, fingers working to quickly strip off the tie around his neck. Sweat was beading on his forehead and neck. "Aren't you hot?" He asked Zenitsu, "I'm practically dying over here. Nothing can be worse than this heat."

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