Akaza x Tanjiro (10)

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Requested by: XxTetsuya_KurokoxX1



Their sickeningly sweet scent

Tanjiro met Akaza once in the middle of the streets. At the first glance, Tanjiro could tell that Akaza was well dressed, well mannered-- And he had the scent of an Alpha. It is to be expected, that he is on the top of the hierarchy.

Alphas don't usually just appear out of nowhere, they are the strongest, the leaders of successful companies-- And it didn't seem like it was a rumor.

Just the second Tanjiro's eyes landed on him, he was instantly captivated by The Alpha.

He was nothing less of a powerful alpha. The way he spoke with such confidence, the way he'd stare menacingly down at his driver-- He was so powerful just in his actions alone. Others, like Tanjiro, also stared in awe.

It wasn't an everyday occurrence that an alpha just showed up out of nowhere.

Let alone an alpha this pretty and famous.

As he sped away in his car, Tanjiro still couldn't pull his eyes away. He was simply blown away by the sight of an alpha, that's just how rare an alpha was, compared to omegas. That was Tanjiro's first encounter with Akaza.

His face slowly turned a bright red, at their first encounter.


"You could have said a greeting of some sort." Inosuke grumbled at Tanjiro, rolling his eyes at how stupid Tanjiro was to let The Alpha get away. "It's not like you can't." Inosuke was a beta, just like Zenitsu.

"What could he have even said?" Zenitsu asked back, "He can't just go up and randomly say, Hi, I like you. Especially not to an Alpha. The best he'll get with that is getting ignored." Alphas, as the leaders of society, would never waste their time on people like Tanjiro.

"That's better than doing nothing." Inosuke argued back.

"No-- Zenitsu..." Tanjiro could only groan out in frustration, scratching at his dark red hair. "Inosuke's right... I should have at least done something to get his attention--" His face then reddens slightly, "But I don't want to seem like... I'm stalking him or anything."

Inosuke laughs at him, "If you're gonna let what he thinks, get to you... Then what's the point of even trying to get him?"

Tanjiro couldn't lie, Inosuke made sense.

But the word, sense and Inosuke should never go together in a sentence.

"But his scent--" Tanjiro slightly whither mentally, "Is kind of scary." Alphas sometimes are able to release scents to mark omegas as theirs, or to just let omegas surrender to their dominance. Betas, though, cannot sense them at all.

Both Inosuke and Zenitsu share a glance, "Other than his looks," Zenitsu leans into his chair, relaxing. "I wouldn't say he's particularly scary."

"Of course not!" Tanjiro whines, "You can't even sense how scary he is!"

Akaza was one of the few Alphas that bother to even show their appearance at all. So-- it wouldn't come as a surprise that he was fawned over a lot on social media. That only makes Tanjiro's chance of getting with him, so much slimmer.

"Look Gonpachiro, if you really like him, then just at least say something." Inosuke's words finally seemed to go through Tanjiro's head. "If he rejects you," He then shrugs, "Who cares? At least you know you've tried."

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