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A/N: Hey fellow (probably non-existent) readers:) This is my first story both on Wattpad and elsewhere. So I'll probably make lots of mistakes and stuff, and I would really like to know how you feel about my story so let me know in your comments:) Besides that, I just want to say that there would be quite a lot of dialogue involved in this story... So yeap. If you don't like that stuff then I'm sorry:( This would probably be the only Author's Note I'll be adding till the story is complete as I don't like disrupting the flow of the story with author's notes. This'll probably be a short story, or a long one, I don't really know. We'll just see as it goes along^^ BY THE WAY, I'M EDITING THE CHAPTERS SO IF YOU SEE AN UPDATE BUT NO NEW CHAPTER, IT MEANS I JUST EDITED AN OLD ONE TO MAKE IT BETTER. Thank you for reading my story and I'll stop ranting now and I hope you enjoy my story:)

<3, LL


"You're ignoring me. You have been ignoring me for the past few days. What's wrong baby?"

"No I'm not ignoring you hon."

"Yes you are. We used to talk all day and now there's barely a good morning or good night text from you if I don't message you first."

"Really, I'm not ignoring you baby... Don't you trust me?"

"I trust you... But still you were still ignoring me! Do you think I'm so stupid to not notice when my boyfriend is ignoring me?"

"Fine. You sure you can handle the truth?"

"Yes I'm sure. Tell me why you've been ignoring me. Please, baby."

"You're pregnant."

"So what if I am? You're the one who got me pregnant anyway."

"The reason I'm ignoring you is because you're pregnant. I don't want to be a pregnant teenage girl's boyfriend. I'm sorry baby."


Wait a minute. What?

"No, you can't do this to me! You promised you wouldn't leave me! You promised to love me forever! Why are you breaking the promise! Why now, when I need you most? Why, baby, why? I thought you loved me!"

"I'm sorry baby... I really can't handle the responsibility of a father at the mere age of 19... I shouldn't have got you pregnant, I made a mistake... I'm sorry I'm breaking my promise, I really can't stand being judged and stared at by everyone when I go out with you, a pregnant young girl, in public..."

"But you promised me! What did our relationship mean to you really? If you had really loved me you wouldn't do this to me!" 


"If that's what you think, so be it. I did love you, I still do. I just can't handle the responsibility. Not now at least. Please, baby, give me some space. I don't want to be with you anymore."

"If you really love me you wouldn't do this to me. Why did you get me pregnant? You knew there was a possibility! Yet you told me you weren't scared to accept the responsibility!"

"I was some weeks younger at that time, I didn't know how it would feel like if it actually happened. I'm sorry. There's just one thing I ask of you, please don't abort the child. Treat the child as it should've been treated with a father. I hope you find a better man than me. I'm sorry."


"No! You can't do this to me! No! Please... Don't do this to me..." I cried into the phone as I slumped down against the wall onto the floor, knowing it was hopeless. He had left me. After all his countless promises, he still left me. Why did I even trust him in the first place? My friends were right. He wasn't a good man. Actually, 'boy' would be a more suitable word. I gave my life to him, and this is what I get. Hurt. Rejection. Lies. And a broken promise with countless broken promises within it.

What am I supposed to do now? I've been used... Just like a dirty used rag he threw me away... Who would want anything that was already used? What am I supposed to do now... Wesley was my only hope. Without him I am nothing, especially now that I'm pregnant with his child. His child which he shamelessly abandoned. His child who'll grow up without his real father. How am I going to survive as a single teenage mother? How am I supposed to tell my child that his father had abandoned me? How am I supposed to cope with schoolwork yet still take care of my child?

Oh god, Wesley is such a horrible man. How could he leave me like this? Used, hopeless, desperate. And his child. The being he created. Never knowing who his father is. Never knowing why his father was not with him. Never knowing where his father was. How could Wesley do this to me? How could he do this to our child? How could he do this to us? Oh, how on earth am I supposed to live on... 

I buried my face in one hand while wiping away overflowing tears and the other hand was on my stomach. Oh, my dear dear child. I'm so sorry your father was such a horrible man. I'm really sorry you have to go through this. I'm so, so sorry... What am I supposed to do to ever make up to you?

All Because of a Broken PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now