The Winter Solstice Part One

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It was a beautiful day, big white clouds were in the sky, and the sun was shining over a bright green countryside trees as far as the eyes can see. A messenger hawk floats into view, emitting a cry. When Appa overshadows the bird and roars, it shrieks again and stoops down, swiveling out of view. Appa was seen soaring along with Aang, Katara, Sokka, Kori, Turok, Jade, and Hanzo, all save Aang was in the saddle.

Those clouds look so soft, don't they?

Aang was sitting lazily atop Appa's head, a twig in his mouth, Sokka was carving something with an uninterested look on his face, Katara lying on her stomach, popped up on her elbows, staring dreamingly over the rim of Appa's saddle, Momo sleeping on the luggage Jade, and Turok were taking a nap from being on night duty, Hanzo was gazing out towards the distance admiring the beauty of the sky, and Kori kept stealing glances at Hanzo.

Like you could just jump down and you'd land in a big, soft, cottony heap?

Maybe you should give it a try.

He said sarcastically.

You're hilarious.

Suddenly out of nowhere Aang grabbed his staff.

I'll try it!

Wait, Aang, clouds are—

Too late he had jumped down with a big smile on his face laughing all the way down.

There he goes again.

He said with a half smile. Everyone was alerted to Aang's laughing, and were looking to where he jumped, Katara, and Sokka were baffled on how he just jumped off of Appa, they were leaning over the side of the saddle with wide eyes, and racing hearts.

Suddenly Aang had returned drenched in water.

Turns out clouds are made of water.

He then did, an Airbending move to dry off, but in the process he fluffed up Momo's fur.

In the time Aang jumped off of Appa, Hanzo took the reins, and noticed something, and proceeded to get the attention of his friends.

Uh.... guys?

They all looked to see a scorched forest. They were all speechless at the sight of it.

It's like a scar.

They landed in the middle of the scorched forest, and saw nothing but ash, and the smell of burnt tress in the air.

It's too quiet.

I'll say, there's no life anywhere.

It's unnerving.

Katara then noticed Aang's demeanor.

Aang, are you okay?

Suddenly Sokka blurted out.

Fire Nation! Those—

He was interrupted by Kori covering his mouth. She then pointed at Aang, who had a sad look on his face, and was kneeling in the ashes holding a handful of it in his hand, and slowly letting it fall through his fingers

Why would anyone do this? How could I let this happen?

Aang, you didn't let this happen. It has nothing to do with you.

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