The Storm

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The Chapter begins in Aang's dream. The scene itself, dominated by a tinge of warm yellow, is filled with clouds for a moment before Aang slides into the frame of the shot, his face happy as he flicks the reins. The shot switches to a far view, showing that he is riding Appa, who is flapping his six legs in unison up and down as if he were a bird. The camera pans to the right, revealing Sokka as he pulls alongside Appa, using Aang's glider to fly with the Avatar. The shot cuts to a close-up of the Water Tribe warrior as he turns his head toward Aang, grinning broadly and contentedly at him. Cut to Aang as his face exhibits the same contented grin. He turns his attention to his right and the camera follows his gaze, revealing Katara, Kori, Turok, and Jade sitting atop the head of an enormous Momo; they wave at Aang. Camera moves to see Hanzo flying with his firebending. Aang was happy to be surrounded by his friends. Cut back to a wide frontal shot of the group coursing leisurely through the open sky.

We need you, Aang.

Aang was seen looking at Katara contentedly.

I need you, too.

Aang notices something out of the corner of his eyes. As he turns toward it, his expression changes to shock. Focusing on Aang's face, the camera turns 180 degrees and switches to his point of view as the sky's coloring changes to a dark, ominous gray, revealing a churning storm cloud before him. Cut back to Aang, who yanks Appa's reins in fright.

Be careful, guys! [He looks to his left and right, uneasy.] Guys?

The scene rapidly zooms out, revealing that Aang and Appa are alone, surrounded by nothing but the darkening sky. Cut back to Aang's point of view as Gyatso, in lotus, floats downward, positioning himself in front of Aang.


Why did you disappear?

He whispers in a sad tone.

I didn't mean to.

He said in a sad tone.

Cut to a side-view of the two monks, not a meter apart from one another. Aang reaches out to Gyatso, but before he can touch him, Gyatso turns gray and dissipates into smoke; it blows over Aang, causing him to raise his left arm in front of his face and turn away to shield himself from it. Frontal shot of Aang as the last of the smoke washes over him. He peeks over his arm, but instantly raises his head, his eyes growing big in shock; a dark shadow passes over him as the shot cuts to a distant side-view of Appa being swallowed by the dark cloud.

We need you, Aang.

A bolt of lightning splits the shot for an instant before cutting to a frontal shot of a screaming and frightened Aang, wrestling with the reins, as he and Appa are caught in the belly of the storm with rain beating down on them. Cut to an underwater shot as Aang and Appa plummet into the ocean. The duo floats for a moment. Cut to a close-up of Aang's hand as his grip on Appa's reins loosens and they slip from his limp grasp.

Gyatso and Katara[Echoing voice-over.]:
We need you, Aang.

Cut to an unconscious Aang sinking.

Voice-over still Echoing:
We need you. We need you, Aang. We need you.

Unmoving, Aang sinks and disappears into the darkness of the ocean. For a fraction of a second, lightning splits the shot once again and the silhouette of the Fire Lord surrounded by flames appears. Then he sees Hanzo standing before him, and suddenly attacked him.

The scene cuts to reality as Aang, gasping for air and shooting upright, startles Momo, who was curled up on top of Aang. Momo leaps onto Katara's stomach, causing her to shoot up with a startled look on her face, then Momo leaps on Kori's stomach who was startled too, then jumped on Sokka's stomach, who shoots up, still sleepy, halfheartedly wielding his dagger and boomerang. Turok, and Jade woke up to the ruckus.

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