The Waterbending Scroll

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Opening shot of Appa flying through a mostly cloudy sky, broken only by a few shafts of sunlight that pierces the cloud cover dramatically in certain areas. Cut to Aang pacing up and down Appa's back, a worried expression on his face and trying no to trip on anyone's feet, and Hanzo was seen driving Appa.

Would you sit down? If we hit a bump you'll go flying off! What's bugging you anyway?

Kori just smacked him on the back of the head. As if to say really dummy?

It's what Avatar Roku said. I'm supposed to master all four elements before that comet arrives.

Well, let's see, you've pretty much mastered airbending and that only took you 112 years...

He said, which earned him another smack on the head.

I'm sure you can master three more elements by next summer.

He said trying to calm Aang down.

Maybe Hanzo can teach you Firebending.

Hanzo please!?

He pleaded.

Sorry, no can do.

He deadpanned.

He continued to plead.

You need to learn the other elements first. Believe me I understand what's at stake but you need to learn that when it comes to Firebending it can be dangerous if you don't train properly.

But he can train well with you, right?

She asked.

No. Because he's needs to learn control.

To this Sokka laughed.

Firebending, and control? That's hilarious!

To this Hanzo glared at Sokka.

Oh, you're serious?

How about you learn Waterbending first?

Yeah, if you like Kori, and I can teach you some of the stuff we know.

You'd do that?

Katara nods her head and smiles. She and Aang then crawl over to the edge of the saddle to look down.

We'll need to find a good source of water first.

Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in.

Cut to a shot of a huge waterfall followed by a rapid zoom backward to show the river running away from the bottom of the fall. Everyone were seen on the left bank. Cut to close shot of Sokka who looks a little sour, Katara, Aang, and Kori look up in excitement and happiness at the mighty waterfall. Screen pans left to show Turok, and Jade who were happy, but not that excited. Hanzo admired the beauty of this beautiful place. He then spots a nice place to relax as Katara was going to teach Aang Waterbending.

 He then spots a nice place to relax as Katara was going to teach Aang Waterbending

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