Chapter 43: Suga (Jealousy/Funny/Sweet)

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[Your POV]

I'm tapping my pen on the table, not listening to what our teacher is talking about. I huffed a sigh and bit the end of my pen.

"Yah, do you want to have an ice cream after this?" My seatmate, Jimin, whispered to me. I looked at him and smiled widely. "Sure, as long as it's your treat." I said and twirled my hair with my fingertips.

"Okay. Meet me after classes." He said, and then his eyes popped.

"What?" I asked. He swallowed and pointed behind me. I chuckled.

"That's a lame joke, Jimin. Stop playing around." I said and whipped my hair behind. He quickly shook his head and whispered. "Seongsaenim..."

My face flushed. I looked behind me and saw our teacher with his arms folded in front of him.

"It seems like Ms. Y/N here wants to share something. What's it?" Our teacher asked. I quickly shook my head and flashed my cute smile to him. Our teacher just shook his head and went in front again.

"This kid." He muttered. I sighed.

"Thanks to that." I whispered to Jimin. He showed me his thumbs-up sign and I focused on our classes again.

Time flies fast and our classes are already over. I packed up my things and went out of the room. Suddenly, my phone rang. I smiled as I saw my boyfriend's caller ID on screen.

"Yeobosaeyo, Suga-oppa?"

"Hello, Y/N-jagi! Your classes are over right?" He said.

"Nae oppa!" I said and nodded. As if he could see me.

"Arraseo. Wait for me outside your school, I'll fetch you." He said. I was about to say yes when...

"Y/N!" I saw Jimin running towards me. I forgot! He'll treat me an ice cream!

"Aniya, oppa. Jimin will treat me ice cream today. I'll come home soon." I answered.

[Suga's POV]

"Aniya, oppa. Jimin will treat me an ice cream today. I'll come home soon." Y/N said over the phone. My forehead creased.

"So who's Jimin? Is that your shorty seatmate?" I asked, remembering the pipsqueak's face.

"Nae, oppa. I'll be going now. Saranghae!" She said.

"W-wait!" I interrupted, but she already ended the call. I plopped myself on the couch, putting my hands behind my head.

"Why all of the sudden that Jimin invited her for an ice cream?" I said to myself. What if----

"Y/N-ah, I want to tell you that I love you. Please be mine!"

"But I already have my Suga-oppa."

"Leave him! I'm more handsome than him! Who would want a sloth for a boyfriend? Now dumo him, and be mine."

"Arraseo, Jimin-oppa!"

Noooo! That can't happen! I quickly went upstairs and opened my PC. I searched Y/N's GPS via her phone, seeing that she's now at an ice cream parlor not far in her school. I wore my jacket and went out of the house.

"Damn, shit. If that shorty did anything to Y/N, I'll crush his bones and throw him into the boiling pool, letting him bathe in his own blood." I cursed to myself.

Wait, what if...

"Yah, Y/N! I'm going to rape you! Hahahaha!"

"Oh no! Help me! Help me! Suga-oppa! Help me!"

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