S1: Switcharoo

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"I AM! JUST MY VISON PLAYING TRICKS ON ME!" Y/n yells back at me.

"See?" The Handler smiles and I give her an incredulous look. I get a sinking feeling, but I decide against it. Y/n wanted me to trust her. Her face appears in my mind and I smile.

"Ah...young love." The Handler sighs and I look up at her with a blank expression. I don't want her to know anything more about me than she already does.

"I want my family to survive," I speak out, loud in clear. I don't want any of her loopholes to get the better of me.

"All of them...?" She quirks a brow up, eyeing Klaus.

"Yes. All of them." I snap.

"There was nothing there. " Y/n sighs as she gets beside me, and I nod. "I'm just happy you're safe," I whisper, putting my hand up to her face.

"I bet you are." The Handler grins. "But of course, I'll see what I can do. So, do we have a deal?" She inquires and I look around spotting a bullet, and a few guns.

"One thing."

I walk over tilting the bullet slightly to the left. "Mmm...no," I murmur and push it farther from Luther so it misses him completely. I grab the guns, unload them, and toss them as far as possible.

I give the place one last look. "Did I miss anything?" I ask, looking over my shoulder at Y/n.

"No, perfect as always." She smiles and I give her a perplexed look.

"No insult? Just praise?" I question making my way back towards her and she laughs. "A girl can be happy can't she?" She asks and I roll my eyes.

I turn towards The Handler as Y/n holds onto my hand. We shake and a blue light encapsulates us, bringing us to The Commission which is placed in the 1950s of all times.

The Handler throws off her coat and we start to head upstairs toward her office. "I'd like to discuss the logistics of our family's safety at your earliest convenience. As well as these bodies replacement." I say flatly, we need to get straight to the point.

"Such chutzpah, it's refreshing, I'll admit, but slow down Five." She brushes her hand on my shoulder and I give Y/n a look which she doesn't return. "All in good time. In fact, now that you've finally agreed to work with us. We've got all the time in the world." She gushes. I sigh as we get off the stairs, into the main hall, and into the main management room.

"Dot is responsible for all apocalyptic matters." The Handler gestures towards a bubbly young lady.

"No hard feelings." She frowns and I just nod at her.

As The Handler makes a fool out of herself talking about me I sit down pulling a chair up for Y/n and me.

"If that doesn't spell LEADERSHIP." She looks around, and I feel all of the eyes on me."I don't know what does." She chuckles and I shrug off the tension.

"Here is your case file. I already know you to enjoy a challenge." She hands us the case file and we take a look.

"If you need anything...I'll be in my office right behind you." She gestures creepily behind her and I nod at her. Once she is out of sight, I feel my shoulder relax.

"Hiyah, Five!" Dot exclaims cheerfully.

"We must have utter silence in order to complete this task," Y/n responds and I smile at her.

"Thanks," I say quietly.

"Oh..uh okay."

"Karl Webber," Y/n shugs. "Lightwork."

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