lonelier than ever

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TW: derealization! self harm!

!the story contains headcanons! ! don't forget this is all fiction!

It was a rainy day. George and Sapnap was searching for Karl in the woods, while they talked about stuffs that happened in the last week. After a while George mentioned Dream. He was still in prison with Tommy's death body. He haven't seen him a while, even though he wanted to visit him. He missed Dream, his Dream. The one, who made him laugh, blush and happy every day. Ha wanted back the man who wasn't obsessed about Tommy and his stupid things. He missed the old times, when they were the only ones on the server. He wanted it back. It seeemed impossible. Dream wasn't himself and George knew that, but he never got a good explaination why, until that day.

"I told you about this before Geroge. We don't talk about Dream." Sapnap seemed upset. He was mad at Dream because of what he had done to them, to the server.
He knew how much Geroge loved Dream and how close they were, but he also knew that because of that blind love he couldn't see the real Dream. The one who was in the prison. That's why he didn't let him go in there. George couldn't handle the truth. It would broke him.

"Yeah I know, but I don't really understand why. Dream is not evil." he said. George really believed that his friend was a good person.

"Listen George, we talked about this. Dream changed, so you should too. He's not himself anymore. He became someone, who we didn't want to. He doesn't care about us anymore. He only cares about Tommy and the fucking war. He's not our Dream anymore. He's someone else. That's why he is in prison." Sapnap explained. He's hands were sweaty, he couldn't even hold the sword properly.

"Can I visit him? Just to see if he-" Sapnap dropped his weapon and turned to George to see his face clearly. "Did I said something wrong?" He seemed a bit scared.

"Yes George, you said something really bad. You can't visit him. He's dangerous." he said and picked up the sword.

"No, he's not. I'm sure about that he is okay. He wouldn't hurt anyone. He's peaceful." George said. He was so naive. He believed in Dream. Sap wanted to protect him from the pain.
He couldn't believe that Dream was bad, but Sapnap knew that what the man didn't. He knew what Dream did. He wanted the kill him so much.

"Oh, really George?" he asked. The boy nodded. "Than let me tell you something," he stepped forward. "Tommy visited Dream and he was trapped there with him-"

"Yeah, I know about that."

"Dream killed him!" he yelled.

"No, no, no, no wait, that's impossible. He wouldn't do that. Come on Sapnap, you know that, right? He's Dream he wouldn't kill anybody." he tried to defend his friend. He thought it was a bad joke. Am I dreaming again? No, then I would see DreamXD.

"But he did it." He looked to the prison's direction

"How do you know that anyway? You weren't there." he said angrily. No, it can't be real. It must be a joke. Sapnap doesn't know about anything. He just makes up things to convince me that Dream is bad. I can't let him do that. I don't know what is wrong with him or why is he so mad at his friend.

"Sam saw his body. He told me. He asked Dream what have he done, but he just laughed." he said. "He's insane!"

"That's insane. You know that is not true!" Gogy lost his control, he was really angry, he didn't believe Sapnap for one second. Dream would never do such a thing. He said it to himself. His eyes were wet, he almost cried.

"If you think that, than you should see yourself. Ask Bad or anybody else on this server, they would say the same. Or-or visit Tommy's house. Than you would believe me." he walked away.
George stayed there, he couldn't move his legs. He felt a feeling, it was so bad, he couldn't find out why he was feeling it. He haven't done anything wrong yet, he was innocent. He felt guilt, but he didn't know why. He never did anything wrong, he was a paceful person. I just feel it because, I didn't shut up, when Sapnap talked. Yeah, this is why. He tried to calm himself down with that thought.
Gogy knew that he has to visit Tommy's house, but he wasn't ready. He had one question in his head, what if... Maybe Dream did killed Tommy. No that's impossible, he would never do that. I know him, he's a good person. It's just not possible. But I want to make sure. Yes, I will go there. I won't see anything, because Tommy is not dead. He never died, he's still here.
He went to the house. When he arrived he saw Foolish who was working on something. George went after him to see what he's been doing.

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