Chapter 5 (In which they talk it out)

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          Thankfully STAR managed to drive home without crashing, having pulled himself together enough to safely navigate the roads. Once he got home he decided it was best to just sit in his bed and not move until he absolutely had to.
         This plan worked while he could ignore his issues but as time ticked by the pressure settled down harder on his shoulders. Now Chump was due to land in Florida in less than 48 hours.
Begrudgingly STAR pushed himself up and took in the state of his living space. To put it lightly it looked like a bomb went off, and then a small family of hungry raccoons took up residence.
"Oh god Chump can't see the place like this" Motivation was a rare occurrence for him now and he desperately tried to grasp onto any fleeting strands of the emotion, when suddenly he had an idea. Why not just speak to Chump?
It always made him feel better, and it would probably clear his mind a bit. His phone laid on the bedside table abandoned the day before after Sadie had bombarded him with texts expressing their worry about the whole situation.
He grasped the phone lightly, choosing to shoot off a text to his worried friend before doing anything else.

STAR: Hey! I'm alive, I had the idea to just call Chump and talk. I think It'll really help me.

    Their response was instant making STAR wonder if they had been sitting in their chat the whole night waiting for him.

Sadie: 1- Im glad you're okay. 2- I'm pretty sure that was my idea.

STAR: Don't take credit for my ideas Sadie, I'm hurting

Sadie: K whatever, call me if you need anything!

STAR quickly swiped out of the conversation and walked over to his computer, plopping down in his seat and curling in on himself. Once his mouse had been dragged through booting up the computer he left it sitting over chumps name. The bliking cursor in the chat box taunting him with every apperance. In a sudden surge of confidence he quickly pulled the mouse over to the call button and clicked before he could allow himself to chicken out.
Chump answered on the third ring, his voice cheery. "STAR! Hey, I feel like it's been forever since we just vc'd to hangout". Hearing this made STAR realize he had been in his slump for a few days now. Meaning he had been ignoring the usual calls he shared with his friend for just as long. "You're right, it has been a while. How have you been?"There was a slight clicking noise travelling through the speakers, indicating Chump was typing on their keyboard. Probably to his friends or even mods on discord.
"I've been good! Just super excited to come see you, I finsihed packing like last week". His laughter punctiated his sentence. "I can't say I'm surprised you always were one for being over prepared". "Yeah unlike you". The teasing jab made STAR laugh softly. This was their old normal, a time he definitely missed.
       "What do you mean? I'm always prepared." STAR shot back. "I know, that's one of the reasons I like you so much". A lingering silence filled the call to follow Chumps sincere tone. Sure friends say they like each other all the time, but something about the way he said it made the sentence echo in STARs mind.
         "Actually I've been wanting to speak to you about something" The typing on the other side of the call stopped. "Okay, what's going on? Is everything alright?". STAR took a shaky breath in preparation and forced the next words past his lips.
          "I'm really nervous about meeting you." Chump laughed. He actually laughed. Heat rushed into STARs cheeks as he slid down further in his chair. Embarrassment creeping up quickly.
       "Why are you laughing?" he pouted. "Sorry, just I've been really nervous too. I was too scared to talk about it, but if you've been feeling the same way we could have avoided all of this." Chumps explanation made STAR perk up, his stomach fluttering at his friends words.
         "You're nervous too? why would you be nervous?" It was a simple question, but seconds slowly ticked by showing that the other boy was struggling with their response.
        Finally, Chump spoke again. "I don't know, you're just you, and you're amazing! and funny, and so nice, and pretty, and i just don't want you to meet me in person and decide you don't want to be friends anymore."
         Pretty. You're so nice and pretty. STAR was having a heart attack. " think that-" He was cut off before he could question any further.
        "I know! it's dumb i shouldn't have thought you would stop liking me we are so close online after all." Now this felt like a topic change if STAR ever saw one, and because he was a good person who cared about his friends he decided to spare both them and the question. He could always ask later if he really wanted. So instead he decided to open up a little bit too.
        "I've been a mess these last few days. My entire personality has been dwindled down to a nervous wreck." He himself laughed a little at the absurdity of the situation. Before he could stop himself he also tacked on. "I guess we're both worried about seeing our pretty best friend."
         Silence. He would have preferred being laughed at again. The atmosphere felt thick and heavy. They sat in the quiet for a bit before STAR decided he couldn't take it anymore.
         "Chump?". "Oh sorry! Sorry god I just got lost in my thoughts." He giggled a little but it was too short to seem at all genuine. After a second he spoke softly. "Hey STAR?". STAR dropped the chain he hadn't even realized he had begun playing with.
        "Yeah chump?" A tapping came through the speakers. Most likely from Chump drumming his fingers on the desk like he usually did when he was nervous or distracted. "Um thanks, you know, for calling my pretty." STAR smiled at his friends tone.

       "Of course Chump."

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