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Emnine hummed, waltzing through Kurogiri's purple smoke with a dramatic flourish.

"Well, well, well..." they said with a smirk, "look what we have here? Baby heroes? How cute."

"You're late, Emnine." Kurogiri said disapprovingly. "You said it would only take a minute. We had to delay the plan for two hours."

"Well, you know how it is," they shrugged, "I got lost on the path of life."

"Sensei will be hearing of this." Tomura warned over a groaning Pro-Hero.

Emnine shrugged. "He probably knows alr—-!"


Emnine sidestepped an explosion with a bemused expression. Grabbing the angry brat by both arms and stepping down on his back until they heard a loud CRACK and POP.

The kid's scream was like music to their ears.



Bakugo? Kachan? That name feels familiar. Emnine hummed as they twisted Bakugo's arm around.

His screams of anguish were so delightful.


"Oh my." They blinked, clicking their tongue as they pressed a knife to his neck. "How unheroic of you. Such violent tendencies are far better suited for a villain.

"Say... who are you sitting on, Shigaraki-san?"

Tomura glanced down.


Emnine perked.

"Really?! Oh, oh, oh—-oh my god!" Emnine said, lowering their knife and frantically searching their pockets. "Excuse me Mr Eraserhead, could—-could you perhaps sign your name in my notebook with your blood? I'm a huge fan."

Tomura gagged.

"What is with your obsession with him?" He sneered in disgust.

Emnine tilted their head, ignoring the screams of terror around them.

"I like his eyes." They said. "I find them unreasonably attractive—especially when his quirk is on. Red eyes are... something truly extraordinary."

"Hmph. Want me to carve them out for you?" Tomura offered with a twisted grin.

"You—you would do that for me?"


A flash of silver.

Emnine blinked in bemusement at Bakugo's sudden disappearance.


Eraserhead and Bakugo were gone.

And there was a man, a man with red eyes and white hair.


"Who the hell are you?!" Tomura demanded angrily.

"I'd like to ask the say of you." The man retorted.

Emnine perked.

"How 'bout me?"

The man sneered at them.

Emnine giggled at the expression.

"Hey, hey, Shigaraki-san," they said excitedly, "this guy seems like the real deal. Can I kill him?"


Emnine grinned manically.

"How delightful~" they drawled with a tilt of their head, "I'm Emnine. How do you do?"

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