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I broke the silence unable to bear the weight of his spike throwing look. "What? I told you... the poem was going to be a sour one."

"It's beautiful." He nodded in assurance. "But I think this is the last poem you will ever write for Kyle."

"I didn't write it for him. I just wrote how I feel about love." I fired back. Kyle - my foot.

"Whatever..." He again smiled that troublesome smile looking into my eyes.

"Stop beating around the bush and read me yours," I said, trying so hard to ignore his smile and look but miserably failed with a fluctuation in my heartbeat.

"The notebook is inside the cupboard." He pointed.

The cupboard was to the right of me. It was in the corner of the room. I stretched my hand trying to open the cupboard. I gave up and pushed the chair aside and stood up. I opened the cupboard and found it spick and span. Oh! My God!

"Which notebook?" I asked, still looking into the cupboard. I didn't realize he had walked up to me and was standing right behind me. So very, close to me and my heart decided to do a summersault amidst the turbulence. I turned and there he was, tall and with a nice smell that numbed the nagging feeling that was beginning to rise again.

He stretched his hand above my head and he pulled out a notebook from the stack of neatly arranged notebooks.

"I guessed you can't reach it," he said, making me feel shorter than usual.

He moved too swiftly back to his chair and I sat in my chair watching him flip through the pages; waiting for him to read the poem. Curiosity filled the air around me. I rubbed my palms together.

"You promised not to laugh," he reminded.

"But I didn't promise not kill you if you don't read me the poem soon."

"Okay..." He chuckled again and began. "I fell hard

For your poetic nature

You being all artsy

And for the two brains you have

One - the Margo Fawn brain

The one being clumsy but cute

The one being awkward but attractive"

By this time, I realized what was going on. Well, I already kind of knew it but I didn't expect this. He had written me a poem! I felt like my brain was on a vibrating loud alarm. I choked on the rushing thoughts. I tried slowing down my racing heart but it was lawless. Nothing worked and add this to my eyebrows gone out place.

"Two - the poet's brain

You being as if you appeared out of a book

How you paint the mountains turquoise

And how you zone out on little things

Like the mayflower engulfing the leaves

Stars don't disappear they stay invisible in the day sky

Just like I have been in your sight and in your thoughts

Did I tell you that you're my walking rainbow?

Colorful... the one that makes me want to write poems..."

"Aiden," I interrupted; not sure why.

"Just let me finish," he said it too quick and stiff but his voice was softly pleading.

"The mayflower may not be constant

I'd be the leaves, branches, trunk

Trust me, I'll be the roots." He took his eyes off the notebook; holding me with that chasmic look and cleared his throat playfully and my breath was heavy. "I didn't believe in Koi No Yokan until I saw you

Trust me, it wasn't love at first sight

But I knew I'd fall for you sooner or later."

He paused and looked at me. I was beyond shocked and flustered with a pulse that was rattling in a vein against my neck. A part of me hoped he was just messing around. I didn't even know what to respond to him and I looked at him star struck with tiny gasps in my breath. Now I understood why he said we won't finish the essay if I heard his poem before finishing the assignment.

"The koi no yokan part... I just improvised it now," he said, still looking at me with that poised piercing look and closed his notebook with a soft tap that somehow stopped the alarm that my brain was on. "Any questions? or was the poem clear enough."


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