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Luca's POV:

That morning i woke up to Alberto beside me. I tried not to melt thinking about the fact that Alberto was so close beside me. Last night had felt so crazy but I'm really glad and truly relieved i got to tell him about myself. And after hearing everything he was saying to me last night, I couldn't help but to crush on him more. Maybe now I actually have a chance with Alberto?

"Good morning Luca!" I heard Alberto say to me as I opened my eyes. It was like he was closely watching and waiting for the second i woke up.

"Good morning, Berto" i yawned.

The sun was shining brighter than ever, i could tell this day would be super hot out already.

"Will you come swimming with me today?" Alberto asked me as he gazed into my eyes.

"Yes, that sounds like fun!" I started to fully wake up now.

"Good morning boys!" Giulia yelled from her window that looks directly onto the treehouse. "Seems like you two had a good night?" She smirked at me.

"Yeah yeah" I rolled my eyes, this confused poor Alberto a bit.

"I take it I'll be invited to swim too?" She suggested.

"Whatever you want, Giulia" Alberto said sarcastically.

"Hey, if you guys really don't want me to come i guess I'll just stay at home all day by myself" she frowned.

"You can hangout with the cat" Alberto laughed. This sent all of us laughing.

"Come on, Let's go now, Luca!" He grabbed my arm.

"It's so early" I whined. It was only 10 in the morning, i at least needed breakfast first!

"No, it's not! Come on!" He pulled me down the tree.

"Have fun guys!" Giulia called as we raced down the tree and out the gates of Mr. Marcovaldos home to the streets of the small Italian town.

I could feel the sun shining down on my face like a refreshing wake up call.

We raced down the stoney road and to the waters edge where Alberto and I stopped running.

"Okay let's go!" Alberto nodded. He took my hand which sent butterflies up my spine. It felt nice holding his hand. Alberto pulled me behind him as we ran into the water, exposing our sea monster forms. Once we were deep enough in the water to be fully submerged, we smiled at each other and swam around doing cool flips and turns in the water.

"Luca! Let's go see your parents! Come on!" Alberto called to me and we swam all the way across the area of water.

I led the way as we swam through the clear blue water, waving to every fish that passed by.

A long swim took us all the way to my parents cave. They didn't know i was home yet, so i was a little nervous to see them. We stopped outside the door.

"I don't know if we should go in, i might scare them" I told Alberto.

"It'll be fine, Luca! They miss you so much!" He grabbed my hand again sending that same feeling through my body. He pulled me into the cave and there, inside, was all my family waiting for me!

"Luca!" My mother cried and gave me a big hug. It felt so nice to be with my parents again after a whole year!

"You didn't tell us you would be home so soon!" My dad laughed as he came over to get his hug too.

"I came to visit, I'm staying at Giulia's again" I reminded them.

"It's good to see you! We missed you a lot, you know! We miss you every year!" My mom gave me another tight and loving hug.

We spent some time with my family and caught up, but soon we had to get home for lunch. Alberto kindly suggested we had to leave and my mom sent us back to the land with some snacks; Seaweed, My favourite!

Alberto and i took the long swim back to Porto Rosso and arrived just in time for a special lunch! We were having pizza so we needed to hurry home!

"Come on! I can practically smell the pizza from here, I cant wait! I'm starved!" Alberto whined as we got out of the water and shook ourselves off.

"Me too!" I agreed and we headed back. Alberto looked so good in the afternoon sun. As we walked back, i almost wanted to kiss him! How can i keep this secret crush a secret any longer?

The thoughts about Alberto filled my head. All of the sudden, as we walked up to the house, i felt like i needed to do something.

I grabbed Albertos arm to stop him and all of the sudden i just reached up and kissed his cheek! The kiss, even though being the smallest gesture out there, filled me with butterflies and a fuzzy feeling. I felt so great! I had just kissed my crush on the cheek! But then it hit me.

"Oh my god! Sorry!" I grew red with embarrassment. I just kissed my crush on the cheek! What do i do now!

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I covered my face with my palms. "Why do i do this!" I felt so embarrassed for my actions. And to make this all worse, Alberto just stood there, silent! He probably hates me! He probably thinks I'm gross!

I started to walk through the gate. I wanted to run away and never see Alberto again! I moved away from him until i felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me and Alberto, cheeks flaming, leaned down and kissed me... but this time it was on the lips! Oh. My. God.

I pulled back from the kiss after a few seconds. "Berto... I'm sorry!" I stuttered. I had no idea what to even say and I'm sure i was blushing too!

"It's okay, Luca. I liked it... i like you" Alberto looked into my eyes. There is no way Alberto likes me too. I must be dreaming. "I have liked you for so long, and every year you come back to visit i get so dizzy and caught up in you. I miss you more than ever when you leave, too. I really really like you, Luca." He spoke in a soft and reassuring tone.

"I like you too" i smiled, nervously. "I've always known the feeling i feel when I'm with you is not how just best friends feel fir each other. It just took me time to figure it out, i guess." This was the first time anything like this had happened to me and i could barely breathe.

"So... let's go!" He smiled, taking my hand and the next thing i knew, Alberto was running inside, and i was running right after him.

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