Texting Oneshots!

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-direct messages between Sara and other characters

-group chats

-pictures sent from Sara and other characters

-gifs sent from Sara and other characters

But yeah!



Jax AKA Lil' Bro

Season 1

Lil' Bro: hey, Sara?

Sara: yes?

Lil' Bro: I need some advice

Sara: on...?

Lil' Bro: on romance.

Sara: lol ok. how can I help?

Lil' Bro: I like Kendra

Sara: what?? no way!!

Lil' Bro: ye, but I'm pretty sure she likes Ray...

Sara: makes sense.

Lil' Bro: dude wtf?!

Sara: I mean it makes sense you would like her.... 😅😅

Lil' Bro: right... so? advice?

Sara: haha

Lil' Bro: um... helloooo

Sara: wait you actually wanted my help?!

Lil' Bro: uh, yeah! why would I lie!

Sara: I didn't think you were lying, I thought you were joking! 

Lil' Bro: why would you think that?!

Sara: jax, i dated my sister's boyfriend. and then got back together with him again, but only after dating an assassin. you really came here for relationship advice?

Lil' Bro: ...

Lil' Bro: I've made a mistake coming to you.


Two Hours Later

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Two Hours Later

Sara: Lenny, I have tea! Ray proposed to Kendra and she said yes!!

Sara: oh, fuck, wrong person

Lil' Bro: I hate you.

Sara: 😘


Ray AKA Small Big Man

Season 5

Sara: Ray why has Rory locked himself in his room

Small Big Man: I was wondering the same thing.

Sara: dammit I needed his help

Small Big Man: Maybe I can help you.

Sara: I need to burn something.

Small Big Man: What do you need to burn?

Sara: nunya

Small Big Man: That's not a word...

Sara: yes it is.

Small Big Man: Prove it. What is "nunya"?

Sara [voice message]: *nunya business*

Small Big Man: You are so childish... did you even need Mick's help?

Sara: Yes, and I do actually need to burn something

Small Big Man: Tell me what so I can help you.

Sara: I need to burn a demon out of my body

Small Big Man: That's not funny. Having a devil control your body isn't fun.

Sara: OH SHIT! I forgot you actually got possessed!!!

Small Big Man: It was literally five months ago... and don't text that word to me!

Sara: Possessed?

Small Big Man: No. You know which word.

Sara: Shit.

Small Big Man: 😠

Sara: ok, I won't text it to you...

Sara [voice message]: *Shit*

Small Big Man: SARA!


Rip AKA Time Dick

Season 2-3

Sara: so can we have our ship back?

Time Dick: so can you change my name back to Rip

Sara: so can we have our ship back?!

Time Dick: no.

Sara: still a time dick, then

Time Dick: I can get you a raise at sink shower and stuff if you stop bothering me

Time Dick: Sara...?

Sara: so can we have our ship back AND a raise?

Time Dick: Oh my god

Sara: is that a yeeessssss

Time Dick: I have to go, I have to deal with a time emergency

Sara: But you don't, the Legends can.

Time Dick: ...

Time Dick: how did you even get this number, it's specific to Time Bureau agents!

Sara: It's a long story.

Time Dick: Shorten it.

Sara: I slept with one of your agents, stole his badge, had Ray hack into the Time Bureau network, and got your number. And then I dispersed it to the rest of the team.

Time Dick: Ah, so that's why I keep getting messages saying I'LL BURN YOU and YOU'LL DIE BY FIRE...

Sara: damn... mick really went hard.

Time Dick: Goodbye Sara

Sara: 🤭 bye bb

Rip AKA Time Dick has blocked you

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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