Chapter 2

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A/N: The start of a very rushed chapter💩 I am about to scream🤡

I opened my eyes to see a cream white ceiling. It was peaceful here unlike in the city where danger could arise at any moment. This place smelled awfully like antiseptic. A nurse walked up to me.

"Oh, you are awake! I shall alert the doctor," she said.

A tall black-haired male with a white coat walked into the room. He looked familiar.

"Hello ____, can you read my name off my nametag?"

"Doctor Keisuke..."

"Ok, good. Do you remember what happened before you reached the hospital?"

"Fighting off Stain."

"Yes, indeed. Your injuries were quite severe but Recovery Girl managed to reduce the amount of time needed to recouperate. You had major fractures at your arms and leg."

"Not gonna lie, that sounds pretty bad," I admitted.

"How long will I have to put up with all of these..." I gestured at my arms, "bandages."

"About 2 or 3 months. You should be thankful it isn't longer than that, if not, you would be complaining,"  Doctor Keisuke replied.

"Ok thanks Doc. I assume I can't do any vigorous activities, right?"

"Well, that's a given. Only until we get the cast off then you can slowly resume your daily activities," he warned. "Anyways, your friends are waiting outside. Would you like them to come in?"

"Sure, no harm," I shrugged.

Doctor Keisuke slid open the door and the whole class of 1-A were waiting out there. Once they were given permission to enter, they came in with Yaoyorozu leading and Todoroki followed closely behind.

Todoroki had superficial injuries like cuts and abrasions. His cheek had a big plaster stuck on it. I was relieved he was fine.

"My goodness! ______! I was so worried!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed as she flung her arms around me to embrace me. Her jet black hair was tied into her usual high ponytail, eyes looking tired.

"Sorry. I had to do something about it," I said sheepishly.

"Of course, she had to do something. Typical impulsive _____," a rough voice came from near the door. Bakugo leaned lazily against the wall, his hands shoved into his pockets, pretending not to care about the whole situation. Infamous Bakugo look. I was not part of the "Bakusquad" but neither was I on bad terms with Bakugo. We were just friends.

"What did you expect me to do? Stand there and wait for the grim reaper to take my soul away?" I retorted.

"That's an option," Bakugo smirked. "Too bad you don't have my explosion quirk, Fried Brain."

Fried Brain was my nickname given by Bakugo. If I overused my quirk, I would have a high fever and in extreme circumstances, such as the most recent one, my vision would turn blurry.

"Don't mind him. He's not worth your time," Yaoyorozu interrupted. "How are you feeling?"

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't in pain," I stated plainly. It came out colder than usual because it really hurt. My movements were limited and the casts itself were heavy.

Yaoyorozu seemed a little shocked from my reaction.

I needed a subject change.

Scanning across the room, I realised that someone was missing.

"Where's Deku?" I asked.

"He-" Yaoyorozu began.

"He got injured while fighting alongside me," Todoroki interrupted.

"Oh..." I muttered.

"While we are on that, I would like to have a private conversation with you, ____," he continued.

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