When paired with the person you hate in PE

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Teacher: ...With [enemy]

Me: What?!

*looks around and finds enemy glaring at me*

Friend: Good luck *pats on back*

Other friend: Have fun! 

Me: I hate chu

Enemy: There must be a problem...

Me: Dang

during physical education (Badminton)

Enemy: *tries to hit me with shuttle* Come on for goodness sake! At least I move!

Me: Nuuuu you don't! And stawp trying to hit me!

Enemy: *rolls eyes*

Me: *sticks tongue out*

Enemy: I'm not trying to hit you but you keep getting in the way!

Me: I keep getting in the way? You hit me li-

*gets hit by shuttle that enemy had*

me: *mumbles under breath* Imbecile...

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