Chapter 4

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“Are you sure you’re alright?” Hayden asked as he helped me stand up straight. When I looked back Ethan was gone. I massaged my forehead and squinted my eyes.

“Kim maybe you should go home. I can get the nurse to call your parents or something.” Lily said looking really worrie.

“Yeah you look like you need to rest up.” Hayden said still holding on to my arm.

I took a few minutes thinking if I should go home or not. I really didn’t want to miss anything and fall behind. Knowing my mom she’ll tell me to rest up for a few days even if I insist I was fine.

“Guys I think I’m alright-“

“No you don’t look alright.” Ethan said coming into the room. “I got the nurse to go to the admin to write a permission slip for you to go home.”

He held up the slip as he grabbed my bag off the floor.

“My parents-" 

“The admin couldn’t contact your parents.” He said interrupting me again.

“So how-“

“I’m taking you home.” Ethan walked towards me and stood by me. Hayden has let go of me and stood next to Lily. 

“Stop interrupting me.” I whispered and I could hear Lily chuckle. “I can go home by myself.”

“No you can’t.” Ethan said firmly now standing in front of me. I looked at him with an annoyed face.

“Ethan I can go-“ I started to say while walking away, I felt dizzy again and stumbled. In a quick motion I was, yet again, in the arms of Ethan.

Just by looking at him and just being in his arms I knew that my stubbornness had to go because he was right. I couldn’t go home by myself and I should be thankful he has offered to take me home. He helped me straighten up but held on to me by my waist. 

“Don’t worry Kim I’ll come by after school, bring you my notes and homework.” Lily assured me reading my mind of possibly falling behind my classes. Then the bell suddenly rang.

“I’ll catch up with you later man.” Hayden said to Ethan while he nodded. “I hope you feel better Kim.”

Hayden smiled and both him and Lily left the room. Leaving Ethan and I in the room. We stood there for a bit and I looked up to him. He was already looking at me and I couldn’t read his face. He tucked away a strand of my hair and there was something about that that made me speechless. I didn’t know if he could feel my heart beating fast. I hope not.

“If you stumble again I’m going to carry you.” He said firmly as he slowly started walking.

I didn’t know if I wanted to try my best not to stumble or just stumble.

~ ~ ~ 

He led me outside the gates and there was a black car in front of us. A guy with glasses opened the door for us when we got closer. Ethan slowly let me in the car and he closed the door. After a few seconds he was seating in the other side. I was about to tell him my address but he told the driver my address.

I wanted to ask how he knows my address but suddenly my head started to throb again. I felt his hand on my left hand. I looked at him and if I wasn’t delusion he looked worried. I didn’t answer but instead looked down to our hands. After a few seconds he took his hands off.

“Why don’t you close your eyes for a bit.” He said and that I did.

~ ~ ~

The sound of the door woke me up and I felt like I was flying. But I wasn’t. I was being carried by non other than Ethan. I must have fallen asleep in the car ride. Then a lot of questions went flying through my mind but I was yet again interrupted.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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